The second exam!? p.6

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Sakura raised her hand. "Why don't you go first sensei?" she asked, all innocent and haughty looking, making Naruto face palm again while Naruko sighed and Sasuke just grunted.

The man eye smiled. "Alright, I am Hatake Kakashi," he started. "Things I like and things I hate? I don't feel like telling you that... my hobbies? I have lots of hobbies..." he looked up at the sky, contemplating. "My dreams for the future? Never really thought about that..."

Almost all of Team 7 have massive sweat drops on their heads. Sasuke's eye was twitching in annoyance; Sakura looked like she would burst a vein; while Naruko, even with advanced warning, was still hard-pressed to not twitch her eye in annoyance, otherwise remained calm. Naruto just sat there with a raised eyebrow, amused.

"Alright, now you know about me, now it's your turn pinky," he pointed towards Sakura, who glared at Kakashi for the nickname.

Sakura puffed her chest out, "My name is Haruno Sakura. I like cherry blossoms and..." she looks at Sasuke and squeals, "My hobbies are..." she looks at Sasuke once again, and squeals. "And dreams of the future..." and yet again she squeals while looking at Sasuke.

Kakashi sweat dropped, very unamused. 'Great, a fangirl...' he thought. "And things you hate?"

"Ino-Būta! (Ino-Pig)" she instantly shouted, causing the rest of her teammates to wince at the volume.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Okay, now onto you Broody." He pointed at Sasuke, who grunted as he spoke, voice low and menacing.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke," he started. "There are not a lot of things I like and there are many things I hate." Kakashi frowned at the boy but said nothing, as the boy's voice became cold as Yuki no Kuni (Land of Snow). "What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone."

Naruto sighed as he listened to Sasuke's introduction as Sakura went on about how cool he was, which had gone the same way it has before. Truth be told, Naruto wasn't sure how he would go about with Sasuke's fate, already knowing that bastard Black Zetsu had already manipulated the Uchiha Clan from the start.

If he was honest to himself, Naruto would've left the Sasuke of this dimension to die a horrible death, but he knew that was his personal feelings talking. Naruto had already promised his best friend that he would save the Uchihas from imminent extinction. He just needed to keep his cool when the raven-haired boy lusted after his sister.

He mentally groaned in frustration as he couldn't make up his mind, on one hand he wanted to help his younger best friend, but said best friend was also attracted Naruko who Naruto himself has a massive crush on. He didn't know whether it was an innocent crush or something far more serious, he couldn't tell even if he tried due to him not understanding the concept of affection and love at all.

The thought of the Uchiha even thinking of Naruko that way caused hackles to raise in Naruto's mind, and this worried the blonde time-and-dimension traveler quite a bit. Social queues, interpersonal interactions and body language (when outside of fighting) were never his strong suit due to his stunted upbringing, as testament to the ridiculous amount of times he had insulted his friends and other shinobi without meaning to. Heck, he even insulted all Five Kage in one form or another during the course of the Fourth Shinobi World War! Now, he couldn't even sort his feelings for his technically little sister!

This fact was not lost on the strongest of the Bijū currently listening to his surrogate brother's inner debate.

Kakashi blinked as he narrowed his eyes at Sasuke, warning bells ringing in his head. He knew who that someone was, and frankly he didn't like where Sasuke's thinking was leading him. Deciding to move on, he spoke.

"Now that was... pleasant, now your turn twin-tailed blondie." Kakashi pointed at Naruko, who snapped out of her reverie and nodded with a bright smile.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruko," she said bowing her head respectfully. "I love my Onii-chan, my best friend Hinata-chan, training, ramen and cooking. I dislike perverts, judgmental bigots who shun others for things that they couldn't control," Kakashi raised a surprised eyebrow at that, while Naruto nodded with a smile. "I also dislike the three minutes it takes for cup ramen to cook, and also fangirls." Naruko spat out the last word as she directed her piercing violet orbs at Sakura, who huffed and looked away. "My hobbies are training and spending time with my Onii-chan. My dream is to protect those precious to me and the people I love."

Naruto smiled even wider than before, immensely proud of the girl he calls his little sister.

Kakashi was smiling under his mask, hidden pride filling him. 'She is her father's daughter.' He thought before speaking, "And last but not least, Casanova blondie."

Of all the things the silver-haired man could've said, this was not one that Naruto expected, as he gaped like a fish for a few seconds before composing himself as Naruko giggled, causing him to flush. "Alright here goes..." he began.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, elder brother-by-blood-and-choice to Naruko here." Naruto began, as Kakashi narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Blood-and-choice? What did it mean? "I like Naruko-chan, training, meditating, ramen and occasionally, gardening." Naruko smiled as she heard that, while Sasuke looked on with a scoff, still bitter at being shown up by the blonde. Sakura just looked on in curiosity, eager to learn more about Naruko's mysterious new relative. "I dislike stuck up people, people who look down upon others because of their last name or family name, and the three minutes it takes for ramen to cook in a cup." He cheekily added.

Naruko giggled slightly while Sasuke muttered about ramen addicts and stupid blonde boys. Sakura just sat there amazed by the similarity in traits and interests to two of them shared. Kakashi just sighed as he figured that Uzumakis were notorious for their ramen addiction.

"My hobbies are training, spending time with Naruko-chan, and learning about new jutsus. My dream for the future, no, I call it a goal, is to protect those precious to me till my last dying breath, and always be there for my little sister..." Naruto finished as he looked directly at Naruko, who had tears in her eyes as she hugged him.

"Thank you, Onii-chan!"

"Don't mention it."

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