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Naruto looked on fondly at his sister as he watched her slurp up her ramen eagerly with a chuckle, earning a cute blush from her in return as she stuck her tongue out at him before she continued to eat. Deciding that he should do the same, Naruto ate his ramen at a slightly more sedate pace than usual.

The Uzumaki siblings were currently at their favorite ramen stand having their lunch much to the Ichiraku father and daughter duo's joy to kill the time they needed to wait for their sensei. Although Naruto preferred to train rather than doing nothing, he held himself back and soldiered on, all for the sake of his sister's happiness who was enjoying herself immensely, mostly because she was spending more quality alone time with her precious brother.

As he watched Naruko eat out of the corner of his eyes, his mind contemplated on the matter involving both her and his own mission to the past.

Naruto knew he had to tell Naruko the truth about himself and her real parents soon, and frankly, he was very anxious and nervous about it — not even facing Kaguya or Madara back during the war had unnerved him so, as the mere thought of seeing Naruko's reaction to the news scared him to the core, and he was afraid of the kind of reaction she would give once she heard the full truth about him.

Kurama, no longer the cruel and hatred-consumed Bijū he once was, clearly sensed his container's inner turmoil as the fox flooded Naruto's chakra coils once more with his soothing Yang chakra, making the blonde send a mental note of thanks in return. Naruto was broken out of his musings when he noticed that his own bowl of miso ramen was already empty.

He blinked, slightly baffled that he hadn't noticed it, before mentally berating himself. Had he been worried that much about her sister's reaction? Personal feelings and problems aside, there was also the fact on whether he should reveal all his abilities during the upcoming test that was sure to come. After a minute of silent thinking, Naruto thought it best not to reveal most of his abilities to his other teammates, yet. In due time yes, but not right now.

However, Naruto wouldn't hold back against his Jōnin sensei, and was prepared to fight the man seriously when the time comes, of that he was sure of.

"Onii-chan, I'm finished." The sudden voice of Naruko drew his attention as he turned to face her — Naruto couldn't get enough of her calling him that.

Naruto looked at the five-stacked bowls in front of the girl as compared to his four, and his pride as a ramen lover took a blow — she ate more than he did today than last night, and it was filled with vegetables too!

Don't get him wrong, Naruto held no ill-will towards vegetables, even though he hated them with a passion when he was younger. After Yamato-taichō had drilled it into his head about the importance of eating greens, Naruto had developed a healthy respect and liking to the plants, and had always included a side dish of green leafiness for his every meal.

Naruto smiled as he patted the girl on the head, making her blush. "That's good Naru-chan," he said as he chuckled, "You're becoming an even better ramen eater than me, and that's saying something!" he finished with a laugh, the blonde girl joining soon after with her own.

It was true. The night when Naruko had reintroduced her brother to the wonders of ramen, he had broken her record offifteen straight bowls with his own set of eighteen bowls! Even old man Teuchi was awestruck by the amount of ramen and broth the blonde male stomached that night.

Naruko giggled as she smiled in remembrance. "I know! I can't believe that you broke my record!" she complained with a cute pout, "And I was going for my sixteenth bowl too when you went and broke it by leading with two bowls!"

Naruto shrugged. "Well, I have been denied ramen for months during my travels," He said with a mock shudder. "So, you couldn't blame me for eating that much."

Naruko giggled once more at his ridiculousness as she hugged one of his arms, consciously squishing it between her developing chests, smirking when she saw him blush slightly.

Seeing his blush was already a victory in Naruko's mind as she mentally pumped her fists. She had taken her first step at getting her brother to notice her as more than his sister. Unknown to her however, Naruto had already started to notice her and had embarrassedly accepted the fact that he had a huge crush on his own sister, though he did his best to hide it from her, which was not going too well at the moment.

During their little cuddling session, they didn't notice Teuchi grinning in the kitchen and Ayame gushing silently behind the counter. The two of them had already noticed the unusual closeness between the two new siblings, as they acted more like lovers than actual blood-relatives whether the two persons in question noticed it or not.

Ayame was mentally daydreaming about how the two Uzumakis would look like in the future as a couple, and she squealed silently as she thought that of two of them together even if they were blood-related to be utterly cute! Teuchi was thinking along the same lines and was already thinking of ways to make sure that the young boy treated Naruko like she should have been treated.

It helped that due to clans such as the Uchiha and the Hyūga Clans, who wanted to keep their lineages pure, marriages within immediate families were common, especially within these clans who consider every other clan other than theirs to be 'impure'. These kinds of practices had slowly but surely eroded the taboo surrounding incestual relationships in the current world, although many people outside of the Ninja Clans still frown upon such practices.

Moments passed before Naruto told Teuchi to put it on his tab, which the man happily waved it off saying that it was on the house which the blonde greatly appreciated before he and Naruko went out of the establishment to head towards somewhere quiet, seeing as they still had an hour or so left before they had to return. Naruto suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and Naruko turned to look at her brother in confusion.

She was about to ask what was wrong before she squealed in surprise when Naruto suddenly picked her up in his arms, her arms instinctively wrapping themselves around the handsome boy's neck, holding him close to her as a tomato red blush flared on her cheeks.

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