The second exam!? p.7

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A slightly awkward atmosphere settled among the group as the siblings hugged, with Sasuke glaring daggers at Naruto while Sakura shifted uncomfortably as she heard the heartfelt words of Naruto to his sister which Sakura found to be very sweet. Kakashi blinked once, then twice, before chuckling softly as he was reminded of the better times he and his teammates had before the war took all of them away...

Kakashi snapped his book shut, which broke the silence that had fell over the group, as he pocketed it away.

"Alright, now that we know more about each other, we can get down to business." The members of Team 7 listened intently as Kakashi spoke, "But before that, Naruto, the Hokage has approved of your request to operate as an independent cell, so you're not part of Team 7 anymore."

Naruto nodded as he already knew it from his shadow clone after it had dispelled during his introduction. Sasuke and Sakura meanwhile were giving him disbelieving looks, Sasuke's more of a death glare than anything. Naruko just smiled warmly at her brother.

"But he has placed me as your Jōnin retainer, so you'll have to take the test with us." Kakashi said with an eye smile. Although he may be suspicious of the origins of the mysterious blonde, he could see talent where talent was due. "Not many are afforded this chance to prove themselves. Congratulations."

Sasuke fumed as he pointed at Naruto. "Why is he allowed to operate independently and not be put in a team?" Sasuke literally demanded.

Kakashi sighed. "Because Hokage-sama told me so, and he also said he has faith in Naruto's abilities that surpasses this year's graduating class." He explained.

Sasuke fumed as he heard this. No one had been allowed to operate as an independent cell not since... him. Just thinking about Naruto doing the same things that man had done was getting on his nerves, and Sasuke couldn't help but see Naruto as the second coming of Itachi.

It was then Sakura spoke up. "Wait, what did you meant by a test sensei? Didn't we take the Genin Exams yesterday?" she asked.

Kakashi eye smiled, and Sakura felt a chill go down her spine. "The Genin Exams you took?" he chuckled dryly. "It was to see that you could have potential to become Genin. This test weeds out the rest of the potentials..." he explained, eye smile still in place. "Out of all the ninja hopefuls, only 33 percent will pass."

Sasuke, Sakura and Naruko nervously gulped as they heard the ominous words spoken by the Jōnin, with Naruto seemingly unaffected by it as he took Naruko's hand and squeezed comfortingly. "Let me warn you guys first: this test has a 66 percent chance of failure for each of you, and I'll be the one conducting the test."

Kakashi paused to enjoy the astonished and frightful looks his cute little Genin were giving him – all but Naruto.

Kakashi stood up and turned towards the railing, staring over the horizon. "Meet me at Training Ground Seven at seven in the morning. Oh," he said, turning his head slightly to face the Genin, who were already tensed up and worried. "Don't eat breakfast, or you'll puke."

And with that, he vanished in a swirl of leaves, leaving the four young Genin behind.

Sasuke took a deep breath before setting his face in determination, standing up and turning to leave. "I don't care about you idiots, but don't slow me down tomorrow, or you'll regret it." He said before walking away, Sakura obediently following him like a lost puppy.

Naruko sighed as she turned her shaken gaze towards the only person who can dispel her fears, and she melted herself in his embrace, holding him close. "I'm worried Onii-chan..."

Naruto chuckled as he ran his hand through her blonde tresses. "Don't be, you'll do great!" he said with conviction making Naruko smile, "Just remember to 'look underneath the underneath'."

At her questioning look, he explained. "Which means there's more to it than meets the eye." He advised with a warm smile. "There are always reasons behind every motive. Find it, understand it and exploit it, that's the way of the shinobi."

Naruko nodded into his chest. "Alright, I won't let you down." She said. "That's a promise!"

Naruto couldn't help the smile that was forming on his lips at those words. This girl was fast becoming the most important thing in his life, and he for the life of him couldn't decide whether it was familial love he was feeling or something much more.

Time will tell, he thought.

He stood, pulling Naruko with him. He smiled down at the girl when she let out a small yawn.

"Let's go home, Naruko-chan."

Naruko smiled radiantly up at him. "Yes, let's."

Unknown to Naruto however, the very person he was slowly having a small infatuation for was also entertaining similar thoughts to his.

Not that he would know, as her mental barriers were just as strong as his was.

And so, brother and sister walked back to their shared apartment, each of them thinking about the other, not knowing what the future will bring with their eventual discovery, either for the better —

— or for worse.

But one thing was for certain for these two — they would stand by and rely on one another, for their bond transcends that of time itself, and would vanquish all who may threaten to sever it.

A bond made possible by Kami's intervention.

A bond so strong — it would change the fate of the Elemental Nations as they knew it.

If only they knew what was to come...

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