The second exam!? p.5

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Naruto looked at the man, whose face was still in shock, and coughed into his fist which also hid the smirk he had, snapping the man back into reality. "Wow, sensei, you look like crap. Did a black cat cross your path and you got unlucky or something?" He quipped as he mentally grinned at the irony of his statement.

Sakura looked aghast as Sasuke just muttered something about weak senseis.

The man composed himself before speaking, his visible becoming a U-shape, "My first impression of you guys... I hate you." He cheerfully stated, causing Sakura to go wide-eyed in shock and Sasuke's eyes to twitch. The siblings just looked at him with curious expressions, Naruko's more pronounced of the two. "Meet me up at the roof in five minutes." And with that the man vanished in a swirl of leaves, leaving an afterimage of chalk powder in his wake, and strangely enough, the chalk powder floated towards the door as if someone had moved there.

Sakura was the first to whirl on the blonde boy as she gained a murderous expression, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she shouted.

Naruto shrugged as he cleared his ear with his pinky finger. "I didn't do anything," he shrugged, making Sakura fume at his blatant lie. "Besides, even if it was me, it was just harmless fun, no harm about it."

"But you made our sensei hate us!"

Naruto sighed as he stood up and patted his clothes where the chalk had gotten on him. "Trust me... Sakura was it?" he feigned ignorance as the irate girl nodded. "Our sensei won't hate us for long, if anything he'll like us even more."

Sakura frowned. "How does that have to do with him hating us?"

Naruko was about to open her mouth to tell Sakura to drop the subject, when Naruto held up a hand, stopping her. "Do you think I chose chalk powder to prank him because I felt like it?" Sakura just nodded with her arms crossed, clearly peeved at the handsome blonde newcomer. "Well you thought wrong, it was actually a test to see if you're as acute to your surroundings as most shinobi should be." Naruto inclined his head towards where the man once stood. "Did you see anything unusual when he left?"

Sakura scoffed. "You're talking to the smartest student in the Academy, of course I can see it!" she scanned the spot where the man once stood, brow creased in concentration. "He left an afterimage of chalk powder when he teleported away," she smugly said. "See! Easy!"

"And?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.

"And what?! What's more to this than you pranking our sensei and making him hate us?!" Sakura shrieked, earning an annoyed glare from Sasuke as he made a move towards the door.

Naruto was about to explain, when Naruko finally got it. "The technique he used..." she started, causing everyone to look at her inquisitively, even Sasuke paused in his steps. "It wasn't a teleportation, like we all assumed back during the Academy courses."

Naruto smiled as he hugged her shoulders, feeling very proud of her. "Correct! Good job Naruko-chan!"

Sakura looked confused, while even Sasuke was intrigued. "What is it then? I don't understand... the books never even mentioned this."

Naruto looked at her, before shaking his head. "Are you really the smartest student in the Academy?" he asked bluntly, causing Sakura to visibly shake and fume at his words while Naruko giggled to herself. "Naruko-chan, if you would be so kind to explain to your friend here."

"Of course, Onii-chan." Naruko said with a smile. While inwardly she was slightly peeved to consider Sakura a friend, but her precious person asked her to do it so she wouldn't deny him.

"The technique he used was a speed technique, a D-Rank Jutsu called Shushin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique), as it basically increases the speed of a shinobi by a hundredfold to move from one point to another in a short distance as if you were teleporting." She explained, with Sakura nodding occasionally and Sasuke listening intently, pleased that his choice of a wife was smart and knowledgeable. "To mask the appearance of it being seen as a speed technique, numerous other objects or effects are used such as swirling leaves or smoke."

Naruto nodded as he patted Naruko's head causing her to blush, while also noticing with satisfaction a glare directed his way from the Uchiha. "Great answer Naruko-chan, and how did you know it was a speed technique?"

Naruko pointed towards the door. "As he shushined away, I saw chalk powder floating towards the door as if someone had passed through it, so that was why I knew."

Sakura and Sasuke were stunned by the Uzumaki siblings and a little jealous, especially Naruto. The young blonde turned a prank into a lesson in less than a heartbeat. Sasuke was jealous of Naruto because of his apparent closeness with his future wife and said future wife's mutual closeness to Naruto was getting to the vengeance-obsessed boy.

Naruto smirked when he had felt the raven-haired Uchiha's feelings as he stood up, offering a hand to Naruko which she took and pulled her to stand. "Yosh, let's get going. We wouldn't want to annoy our sensei any more than necessary." He said with a chuckle as he led a smiling Naruko out the door, followed by a stunned Sakura and a seething Uchiha.

Once they were on the roof, they took their seats on the steps of the roof in front of the silver-haired man, who was daisy fresh and clean while leaning back against the railing, a familiar orange book in hand as he lazily skimmed through the pages. Sasuke and Sakura took their seats to the left and right of Naruto and Naruko, with the girl sitting a step down in front of the blonde boy. Once they were all settled, the man spoke up.

"Now, let's introduce yourselves." The man said with an eye smile, "Start off with your names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future..."

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