Revelation p.9

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Kurama sighed as he continued. "What happened to the Naruto I knew? The young boy who risked his life to save the people he cherishes without caring for the consequences?" Naruto looked downcast as he absorbed Kurama's every word. "What happened to the same young boy who was always kind, confident, cocky, over exuberant and hyperactive — and always stayed that way, even when defeat and death loomed over the horizon or faced with the loss of a loved one?"

At his words, Naruto couldn't hold back his tears anymore, letting them roll down his cheeks as every word the great fox uttered struck home.

"What happened to the same young boy who always forgave everyone he meets friend and foe alike? The boy who strived to prove himself that he was meant for greater things than being the village's scapegoat? The same young boy who not only defeated the demon within him, but befriended said demon enough to call him your brother in all but blood?" Kurama stated as he closed his eyes, a memory of the Rikudō Sennin flashing through his mind.

Kurama shook his head slightly to clear them an opened his eyes again, turning his gaze on the sobbing Naruto who had hid his face behind his arm. Undaunted by the slowly rising feelings of warmth and sympathy — an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time — Kurama pushed onward.

"I know what you're feeling kit — you're afraid of the rejection of both your father in this dimension and the vixen isn't it?" At the corner of his peripherals, Kurama saw Naruko gasp in shock and Minato's eyes widen like dinner plates. Kurama inwardly chuckled at his former arch nemesis's expression. "You're afraid, but at the same time jealous of the vixen's treatment as compared to your own childhood. You're feeling guilty for feeling that way towards her, and you buried them within the depths of your soul for her sake and it hurts. Tell me, how close am I to the mark?"

Naruto sighed for he knew the answer — too damn close.

Naruko looked on in deep sadness, tears springing to her eyes once more as she quietly sobbed for her newfound brother. Minato just stood there in silence as he contemplated the confusing situation. On one hand, he could call in the bluff and pretend that this meeting never happened with the boy who, by some miraculous circumstances, was his son — his own flesh and blood from another reality.

It all sounded extremely crazy like something out of a storybook that usually parents read to children at night. But deep down, he Minato knew without a doubt that the Kyūbi no Kitsune was speaking the truth, no matter how outrageous it was.

Kurama sighed, huffing a bit as he grinned down at Naruto. "You don't have to hide them anymore kit. I'm here, the vixen's here for you as well. So," he reached out a paw to nudge the young blonde boy, causing him to look up at Kurama with exhausted, tear streaked blue eyes, cheeks marked by tears. "We'll get through this together alright? And knowing you, you'll just power on through and become the same boy you once were again without blinking!"

Kurama chuckled, causing Naruto to smile lightly as well at the fox's attempt at cheering him up. Naruto had forgotten the last time he was this conflicted with his emotions, and he hoped he wouldn't have to face it again.

Naruto was still sorting his thoughts when the soft, soothing voice of his sister interrupted him. "Onii-chan?"

Naruto turned to see her walking up to him, and before he could open his mouth to speak, Naruko threw herself into his arms, holding him in a tight reassuring embrace. Naruto gingerly returned the hug, confused for a moment at her odd behavior before everything started to make sense to him, and he mentally kicked himself for breaking down at the most inappropriate time. The girl had wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him in place with her head buried into his right shoulder, lightly sobbing. Looking over her own shoulder, Naruto could see Minato's stunned expression, jaw gaping like a fish and Naruto would've laughed at the display if not for the emotional atmosphere in the mindscape.

He was broken out of his self-musing when Naruko spoke, her voice soft. "Onii-chan, I've told you before didn't I?" she said with a smile, violet eyes still red and puffy from all the crying. "I would never hate you. So please, you don't have to hide your feelings from me. Even if it's for my sake, don't bottle it up," She touched her forehead with his, managing to not blush at the closeness, and closed her eyes. "You and I both know that's not good for you, for anyone really." Naruko could feel him nod his head as he hugged her tighter, and she returned it with vigor. "You're my precious Onii-chan Naruto-kun, and I can say without a shred of doubt," she opened her eyes and stared directly into Naruto's own azure ones, "I love you."

At those three words, Naruto let loose a few tears of his own as he smiled widely at finally hearing those words come out of her mouth. "Even though you just met me yesterday?" he asked jokingly, causing Naruko to giggle.

"After what you showed me today, I feel like I've known you my entire life," Naruko said truthfully, tears still flowing, "So yes, I do love you Onii-chan."

Naruto smiled as he chuckled tearfully and hugged Naruko tighter, his voice hoarse and cracked. "I love you too. From the moment I found out that you were my sister, I found myself loving you." He sighed, "Only now do I understand, after sixteen years."

"Well," Naruko replied, tears still falling unabashedly down her eyes. "Better late than never, Onii-chan."

While the two Uzumaki siblings reconciled and consoled one another, Minato was left alone to contemplate Naruto's words. He was left miffed and peeved by the apparent closeness his little girl shared with the unnervingly familiar blonde boy. He gritted his teeth and sighed, letting it slide for once as he thought of what to do. Minato still had plenty of chakra to spare — almost fifteen minutes left — before his astral projection fades back into the afterlife. He wondered how the young blonde boy got his hands on the sealing key that Minato himself engraved onto the scroll toad named Gerotora, and the toad was in the custody of Jiraiya right now.

Minato sighed as he felt a migraine coming around, rubbing his temples. All his inner thoughts and musings were interrupted when the obvious solution to his current predicament came to his mind like an avalanche, and he couldn't help but mentally face palm while his features betraying nothing on the outside, save for the occasional eye twitch. Concentrating his chakra, he began reviewing Naruko's recent memories like how he had been doing for the past thirteen years.

What he found shocked him to the core.

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