Settling in p.2

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The scarred teacher led them to one of the Academy grounds, where five target dummies can be seen in the clearing. On the other side of the clearing, there was a table where multiple shuriken and kunai can be seen arranged on top of it. Iruka lead Naruto towards the table while Naruko stood aside to watch.

Once there, Iruka nodded towards the targets. "Alright Naruto, first up is the weapons aptitude test. Hit as many targets with the bull's-eye as you can with only five kunai and five shuriken."

Naruto nodded as he picked up the required number of weapons and held them at the ready, five kunai and five shuriken in each hand.

"Ready," Iruka announced as Naruto tensed, closing his eyes as he mentally calculated the distance and the wind speed and the weight of his weapons as Naruko watched intently on the sidelines. "Start!"

Without a moment's waste, he launched both sets of weapons at the same time towards their targets. The sounds of weapons whistling through the air can be heard before ten simultaneous thuds were heard downrange. Opening his eyes, Naruto nodded in satisfaction as he had hit all the targets dead center.

He looked back at Iruka who had his jaw on the ground along with his clipboard. Naruko was cheering about how cool he was and how he can easily get 'Rookie of the Year' if he'd joined earlier. Naruto was a humble man — well, after the merging anyway — but hearing the praise directed at him from Naruko made him feel accomplished and made him proud of his own abilities.

Iruka finally managed to pick up his clipboard and find his voice, "T-That's a perfect ten out of ten in less than five seconds! Only Uchiha Itachi has ever beaten that record!" the scarred chūnin said in awe, and Naruto nodded with a smile and Naruko was just standing there in awe of her new brother.

Who knew that her Onii-chan can be such a badass, and be humble and kind at the same time... certainly unlike a certain brooder she knew.

Iruka cleared his throat as Naruto retrieved the weapons, "Alright Naruto, since this is a field exam, there will not be a written portion, so we just have to skip to the three basic jutsus," He explained.

Naruto just nodded. It would be easier this way, he mused, though he still wanted to try out the written test at a later date.

"Alright sensei, hit it," Naruto said.

Iruka nodded, "First up is the Kawarimi (Replacement)," he pointed towards a nearby chair, "Replace yourself with that chair over there."

The place where Naruto was originally standing was replaced by the chair while Naruto took its place, then he switched back. Nodding in satisfaction, Iruka spoke, "Alright, now for the Henge (Transformation), change into an exact replica of me."

Naruto nodded and he changed into Iruka, who smiled back at the real one before dispersing, revealing Naruto once more.

"Now last of all, the Bunshin (Clone)," Iruka said, but was stopped by Naruto's raised hand, "Yes?"

"Can it be any form of clone?" Naruto asked.

Iruka nodded. "It can as long as it's a clone." He clarified, slightly confused. The Bunshin was the easiest jutsu an Academy student can master, with the exception of Naruko with her large reserves, he couldn't see why Naruto should had trouble with it.

Naruto sighed in relief, "Thank Kami, I suck at Bunshin!" he said with a laugh, earning a sweatdrop from Iruka and a laugh from Naruko, "But I can do this — Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Jutsu)"

The clearing exploded in a cloud of smoke and when it dissipated, there standing before Iruka were dozens of Narutos holding peace signs at him, and his clipboard quickly fell. Naruko was in a similar situation as her eyes widened at her brother's use of her new and favorite technique. How and where had he learnt it? It doesn't matter much to Naruko at the moment since her view of her brother shot up to new heights as she cheered for him.

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