New Family, New Skills!

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Ignoring the Bijū, Naruko took a step forward, flipped out a kunai in a blink of an eye before pressing it right beneath Jiraiya's family jewels, causing the man to yelp. Even Naruto unconsciously covered his own privates as she did that, silently telling Kurama to remind him not to get on his girlfriend's bad side. Ever.

"I believe," she began, smiling sweetly at Jiraiya all the while. "We have much to discuss, ne?"

~ D ~ R ~

"Er ..." Jiraiya began eloquently, inching slowly backwards from the kunai that was still aimed at his family jewels. "Can we talk about this?"

Naruko raised a mocking eyebrow. "We're talking right now, aren't we?"

"Well, yes, but ...!"

"Then start talking," Naruko said flippantly, inching her blade closer. "Or your days of getting it on with the ladies will be cut drastically short. We don't want that now do we?"

Off to the side, Naruto was watching the scene play out with a massive sweat drop hanging from his head. He knew that Naruko was playing with the Sannin, but he also knew she was serious in getting the answer she wanted from the older man. He wondered briefly if she would eventually find a job with Konoha's T & I Department.

I heard that Naruto-kun! – said girl mentally sent. Naruto most certainly did not yelp when he heard her voice in his head, not at all. – I most certainly do not enjoy other people's misery like Ibiki and Orochimaru do. That's too much, even for me. –

Naruto mentally sighed. – I swear you're having too much fun with him. –

Whatever gave you that idea? – Naruko asked innocently.

Her answer to that question was for him to give her a deadpan look, causing her to giggle mentally in response. Turning her attention back towards the Toad Sannin, Naruko noticed the man inching away from her blade, understandable seeing as she was holding his baby maker hostage.

"Well, Jiraiya-kyōfu?" she asked, "Anything to say for yourself? About how you abandoned me when I needed you the most and not even bothering to check up on me even once all these years? Unless you have a damned good excuse, you can say goodbye to your womanizing ways."

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Naruto mused as he watched Jiraiya's facial expression. The Jiraiya he knew would take the plunge and go for the lesser of the two hard places, namely about why he wasn't around when Naruko was younger.

Jiraiya gulped.

His original plan of confronting the ones who ratted him out of his precious 'research' spot had quite spectacularly spiraled out of control. He was quite shocked to find the culprits to be none other than his own goddaughter, along with another young man who looked like a complete carbon copy of his late student, the Yondaime Hokage.

All thoughts of acting as he normally would with the two teens were swiftly thrown out the window when Naruko had introduced herself using her full family name — Uzumaki-Namikaze. He had paled considerably at that — that meant she knew who her parents were, and no doubt his role as the girl's godfather.

The older man let out a sigh, closing his eyes as he mentally prepared himself for the worse. He didn't know how, but Naruko had found out he was her godfather and was now demanding answers that Jiraiya didn't know it would be good enough for her. Nevertheless, what he lacked in social tact he made up for in sheer guts and determination.

He just hoped that Naruko understood his reasons.

"Okay ..." he began, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly. He glanced at Naruto who was still watching the unfolding scene silently. "Are you sure you want him listening to this, Naruko?"

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