Settling in p.5

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The blonde couldn't have just randomly talked to a door, can she? She may be hyperactive at times, but she hasn't shown signs of insanity yet. Before anyone could comment further, as Kiba was halfway opening his mouth, when a new voice entered the room.

"Not unless you call tricking me into believing you were hurt and got a ten-second head start fair, then yes, you win." The voice, a male one said, amused.

Naruko giggled — much to the shock and delight of the boys, who had never heard the cute blonde giggle before since starting the Academy — as she smiled. "Don't be such a sore loser, and you're paying me for ramen tonight!" she declared triumphantly just as a new figure stepped into the room...

To reveal a handsome blonde boy about their age with spiky hair and was taller than most of them with a charming smile on his face, which caused some of the girls to actually have stars in their eyes. The rest of the class was stunned out of their wits as they thought they saw a younger Yondaime standing before them.

The blonde boy chuckled as he shook his head. "Hai, hai... whatever you say." he said in admission.

Naruko smiled triumphantly at that while the class remained dead silent, first by the fact that Naruko had actually giggled and second by the appearance of the blonde boy who looked as if he could defeat any one of them with ease. Even Shikamaru was wide awake and Chōji had stopped munching his chips. If the situation wasn't so tense, Naruto would've started laughing at the expressions on everyone's faces.

Hinata was the first to snap out of the shock by the sudden appearance of the blonde male. "Naruko-chan, who is this?" she asked, and judging by the forehead protector, he was also a shinobi.

Naruko smiled even brighter at her if that was even possible. "Hinata-chan, allow me to introduce to you my new big brother, Uzumaki Naruto-Onii-chan!"

The class was stunned at her declaration as they turned to look at the blonde boy in shock who just waved at them. "Naruto-Onii-chan, meet my best friend Hyūga Hinata and the rest of my class!" she said to him. s

Naruto bowed slightly. "It's an honor to meet you all." He politely said with a grin, "I hope we can get along."

He had brushed up his manners while alone in his mindscape with Kurama on the way here, and thinking back to all the times he had unknowingly or knowingly disrespected or insulted someone or another with his poor manners and loudmouth attitude, he supposed that learning to be polite and soft-spoken was a long time coming for him. Nevertheless, he smiled warmly when he saw all of his friends again alive and well.

Shikamaru's intelligent mind was going a mile a minute as he tried to process the information in front of him. 'What the hell? He's her older brother, and an Uzumaki to boot? That explains the similarities but why does he look like as if he can beat all of us and make it look easy? This is so troublesome...' he thought as he decided to just go back to sleep, deeming it too troublesome for him to think anymore.

The rest of the Rookie Nine had varied reactions.

Shino was just... as emotionless as ever. Kiba was eyeing the blonde boy who he saw as a threat to his position as the alpha male. Ino and Sakura were already on Naruko as they bombarded the poor girl with question after question. Chōji just continued to eat his chips, while hoping that Naruto was a good friend to talk to. Hinata was congratulating her best friend for finally having a family member she always dreamed of.

And Sasuke was eyeing the blonde boy in question, trying to measure his power and compare it with his own. The unique aura that the blonde gave off resonated with power and authority, and Sasuke was contemplating whether he would take that sort of power for himself.

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