Dilemma p.7

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"You're late!" a certain pink-haired banshee screeched when both Naruto and Naruko arrived at Training Ground Seven ten minutes before ten in the morning, and to say that Sakura was upset was an understatement. She was absolutely livid. Naruto thought she looked like she had went through the wringer with 'Tora the Demon Cat' and came out looking like she did now: disheveled hair that was protruding in multiple places, bloodshot eyes with heavy bags underneath . . . she was a mess.

Naruto sighed as he made his way over to where Sakura and Sasuke were at, fighting down the grin that was threatening to form. "I see that you two didn't take my advice about the legendary tardiness of our sensei . . ." he commented lightly, earning a glare from both teens, Sakura's more pronounced than the subdued Uchiha's, but Naruto could feel the annoyance bubbling up within the raven-haired boy.

Sakura huffed indignantly, "How are we supposed to know that you're telling us the truth? You've only been in this village for a few days!" she said, while Naruto just looked at her with a deadpan expression, one that clearly said, 'are you serious?' Either she didn't notice his expression or just plain ignored it, Sakura pressed on, "Besides, our sensei told us to be here by seven, so we were following his orders!" Naruto sighed as he mentally face palmed; he had forgotten how annoying Sakura was whilst in her fangirl stage, and it was getting on his nerves. A quick glance at Naruko showed him that the blonde girl wasn't faring any better, as she was doing everything in her power to not outright slug Sakura right there and then. Thankfully, it hadn't reached that point yet.

As Sakura was about to launch into another tirade, her stomach betrayed her with a loud rumble, making her flush in embarrassment stopping her cold. A few seconds later, it was followed by a second rumbling coming from the stoic Uchiha who trying hard to maintain his cool façade whilst maintaining what dignity he had left. It was quite amusing for Naruto seeing them in this state, but he had to remind himself that he had to keep to the original timeline, and the only way to achieve that was to ensure that Team Seven passed just like his own did back in his time.

And Naruto vowed to make sure that they succeed; Naruko was counting on him!

"Here," Naruto pulled out two bento boxes seemingly out of nowhere and handed one to Sakura, who was staring at it with hunger in her eyes, "Naruko-chan made extras this morning, so eat up; you need to get your strength back if we're going to beat Kakashi-sensei." He said, causing Sakura's eyes to widen while Sasuke narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Naruko meanwhile just smiled warmly at her brother's generosity.

"B-but Kakashi-sensei told us to not take breakfast! We're going against his orders if we eat this!" Sakura said, and even she knew that it was her mind talking while her whole body wanted nothing more than to just snatch the bento box from the blond boy's grasp and devour it like there was no tomorrow, but she couldn't let them know that, especially Sasuke-kun . . .

Naruto shook his head with a serious expression, "Just eat up. No one's going to know that we've already taken our breakfast," he said with a small smile, making Sakura look at him with wide eyes, "I'm not going to tell him, Naruko-chan's not going to tell him, are you going to tell him?" Seeing her shake her head no, Naruto nodded towards Sasuke's direction, "And I'm pretty sure that Uchiha-san over there wouldn't let it slip past his prestigious lips, isn't that right?" he asked with a smirk, causing Sasuke to scowl deeply at him while Naruko giggled.

Sasuke thought for a few good moments before gave in as he shrugged. "Hn."

Sasuke's customary monosyllabic answer was all Naruto needed to hear before he passed a bento box over to him, which Sasuke took without lifting his gaze lest his teammates see the scowl on his face, very annoyed and slightly angry that his new rival was acting so friendly with him. Sakura, seeing that her crush was finding no trouble in it as well, took up Naruto's offer and wolfed down her lunch, away from the eyes of her team.

"Now that that's settled, let's pass this thing shall we?" Naruto said as he dug his hands into his pockets, leaning against the tree he was under, "Remember, our sensei's a Jōnin, so he will not be easily defeated by mere Genin like us, so I suggest..."

He paused for a moment, as if he was contemplating something, before a smile appeared on his lips. "We work together, all four of us, to pass whatever test sensei's going to throw at us, what do you say?" he asked, smile still in place as he waited for Sakura and Sasuke's answer as he already knew Naruko's answer...

Sakura looked like she was contemplating about Naruto's offer, before an audible scoff sounded from Sasuke. The raven haired boy glared over at Naruto, the empty bento box and Naruto's earlier generosity lying forgotten on the ground.

"Work with you?" Sasuke said condescendingly, making Naruto's smile falter slightly, "No thanks . . . you guys would just slow me down. I'll pass this test on my own, without your help. An Uchiha does not need help." When he finished, Sasuke stood up before walking away.

Sakura looked like she was about to follow him before a firm hand grabbed hold on her upper arm, and Sakura looked up in surprise to see that it was Naruko who was holding her. The blonde girl narrowed her eyes slightly at the general direction where Sasuke had wandered off; she shook her head in exasperation. Damned Uchihas with their overinflated egos . . .

But, Naruko promised herself, she'll be damned if she let Sakura continue on her fangirlish attitude which could most likely get her killed in the future. Sakura needed to understand that life as a kunoichi was a hard one, and if Sakura thinks she wasn't up to the task, she should quit while she still had the chance before she got herself, and the rest of Team Seven killed.

Sakura frowned a little at Naruko, confused as to why the blonde girl was doing. "Naruko, what are you doing?" she asked. I need to be with Sasuke to comfort him from his confrontation with Naruto. He must be feeling upset . . . she thought to herself.

"Sakura," Naruko began; her tone held no room for argument and Sakura wisely kept her mouth shut, "I need you to listen to me, very, very carefully." She said seriously, making Sakura gulp slightly at the intimidating stare that Naruko had settled on her, "Do you think becoming a ninja is all about fun and games, about you waiting in your tall tower for a dashing prince charming to come to your rescue?"

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