Same shit, different day p.5

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"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)" the raven-haired boy cried out before a huge fireball erupted from his mouth, heading quickly for Naruto. Sasuke had a smirk on his lips when he saw his attack heading towards his opponent. He didn't care if he was a fellow shinobi, in his eyes, the blonde male was weak if he couldn't dodge a jutsu like that.

Seeing the attack, Naruto only raised a surprised eyebrow before smirking, pulling out a single, long fūinjutsu sealing scroll from his utility pouch before suspending it in front of him with his chakra with the array facing the attack. Holding a ram seal in place, Naruto murmured, "Fūka Hōin! (Fire Sealing Method)"

Naruko was beside herself with both anger and extreme worry — anger at Sasuke for using such a dangerous elemental technique in a friendly spar, and extreme worry for Naruto who was on the receiving end of the attack. Once she saw the fireball getting closer to her new-found family member, she instinctively rushed forward but was immediately held back by both Hinata and, surprisingly, Kiba. "No! Let me go!" she cried, reaching out towards Naruto. "ONII-CHAN...!"

Suddenly, just as the fireball was upon Naruto, something ... extraordinary happened.

Multiple light blue strands of vapor-like chakra emerged and started wrapping themselves around the ball of flames — the graduating class and Iruka were behind Sasuke when he made the attack, thus the fireball was blocking their sight on Naruto — before they started constricting around it, causing the fireball to distort and waver before it began to lose its distinctive ball-like shape. The flames were seemingly sucked towards something, which everyone found out to be a scroll of some kind with multiple different words on it which left the centre empty, before disappearing entirely into the scroll.

And standing behind while holding the scroll in place, was a smirking Uzumaki Naruto who was still holding a ram seal in place. He smiled cheekily at the stunned visage of Sasuke.

"Fūka Hōin, success." He said, as a kanji for 'seal' emerged from the centre of the once empty space, glowing bright red before dying down.

Everyone was stunned by the display, none more so than Iruka who recognized fūinjutsu when he saw one. 'I-Incredible! To be able to utilize the sealing arts in such a fashion in combat! Naruto sure is something else!' he thought in amazement. The rest of the class was also shocked into silence as they tried to grasp what exactly happened in the past few minutes.

Naruko on the other hand was silently crying tears of relief at seeing her precious person unharmed, as she cried into her best friend's beige jacket. She had thought him dead for just a moment when the jutsu hit, and was immensely relieved when Naruto had pulled a fūinjutsu scroll out of nowhere and saved his hide.

Sasuke was also in shock but also slight disappointment when he saw him, and he suddenly blurted out, "How did you do that?!" he demanded angrily, "I saw you engulfed by my jutsu, before whatever you did cancelled it out!"

Naruto chuckled as he shook his head in amusement. "How naïve of you Uchiha Sasuke — you'd think a low-rank jutsu like that could kill me?" Naruto chuckled harder as he held out a scroll in his right hand, "All I had to do was to seal away your fireball with a simple application of fūinjutsu — pretty handy branch of the shinobi arts if I do say so myself."

Then, the cheerful expression was gone, replaced by an icy cold demeanour, "And I will overlook this supposed attempt on my life, Uchiha-san, and not report you to Hokage-sama to have your license revoked, but I assure you, the next time you try something like this..."

Naruto's icy gaze turned emotionless as he ground out the last words he needed to say, "I will kill you."

Sasuke, out of character even for him, nodded as sweat fell from his forehead. For some reason he couldn't comprehend, he seriously believed that the blonde in front of him would carry out the threat, easily and effortlessly, and it was best not to anger the blonde any longer... yet.

Not until he can take the blonde's power as his own.

He was horribly snapped out of his power-hungry musings when Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him, causing Sasuke's eyes to widen in shock as his brain finally remembered — the spar was still ongoing.

The next few moments saw Sasuke effectively becoming Naruto's punching bag as the blonde boy rained hell down upon the Last Uchiha. No matter what the raven-haired boy did to block the incoming attacks, Naruto would effortlessly slide past his defences to hit him hard in several of his undefended areas. Kidney, stomach, thighs, biceps, face, chest ... and the list went on as Naruto rained blow after blow after blow to Sasuke's body, remembering only to bruise and not debilitate.

With one last punch, Naruto sent the Uchiha flying out of the ring and onto the ground with a painful thud. Sasuke groaned painfully, holding his bruised sides as Iruka came up towards them.

"Erm ..." he began eloquently before clearing his throat and stated clearly. "Winner, Uzumaki Naruto!"

Stunned silence ensued, before it was broken when all the Genin who rooted for Naruto to win let out joyful whoops while the others let out disappointed groans. Sasuke's fangirls meanwhile were far too worried about their Lord and Saviour Uchiha Sasuke to be letting out any kinds of joyful or depressed noises. Ino and Sakura in particular fought for who would help their Sasuke-kun to tend to his injuries.

Once Sasuke, under his own power, was able to stand on his own, Iruka went up to him before slugging him in the face. This act earned a lot of gasps from everyone present, most prominently the 'leaders' of the Sasuke Fan Club. Sasuke merely took the blow, but his eyes clearly burned in anger for the perceived slight.

"That," Iruka began menacingly. "Was for breaking one of the fundamental rules of friendly spars — no elemental ninjutsus or weapons. If Naruto was hurt or killed by you in this spar, you would have your shinobi license revoked and I would have suggested to Hokage-sama to expel you from the shinobi program."

Iruka then sighed as he coughed into his fist, gaining everyone's attention after they were snapped out of their awe induced stupor.

"Due to Uchiha Sasuke's breaking of the code of conduct during the spar by purposefully intending to harm a fellow shinobi through the use of a lethal C-Rank offensive ninjutsu, Uzumaki Naruto would win the spar by default." He explained with a stern look on his face, earning a chorus of nods. "Seeing as Naruto won in the end, that is currently a non-issue."

He turned to the brooding Uchiha, his face showing that of disappointment, "And as for you Sasuke, good thing Naruto wasn't harmed or killed during that little display, or you will be court-martialled by the village's shinobi law, and never become a shinobi again. It was also a good thing that Naruto didn't decide to press any charges against you, so you're free to go, but..."

Iruka's eyes narrowed as he spoke seriously, "I can't guarantee that you'll be let off if this happens again, even with the council's support." Iruka added when he noticed the Uchiha's smirk, which was lost the moment he said that.

Iruka sighed tiredly, feeling as if he were fifty rather than his age of twenty-six, and looked over to his side when he saw Naruto approaching with a calm look on his face.

"Naruto, are you alright?" Iruka asked, before he glared at Sasuke to shush him from making further comments.

Naruto shrugged as he dusted the imaginary dust off his clothes. "I'm okay — no harm done seeing as I've negated his attacks anyhow." He said.

Iruka shook his head as he graded the last of his papers. Iruka looked up as he turned the clipboard over to give it to Sasuke, who was still glaring at the blonde. Then his disinterested onyx orbs slowly widened before he angrily threw the clipboard to the ground and stomped — limped, really — away.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at his former future best friend's actions. As he picked up the clipboard, he noticed Iruka's gaze on him as he read through his grades, and he dropped it again when Naruko and her friends slowly approached them, some still shaken up by the past minutes' events.

Iruka chuckled, amusement clear in his tone. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" he joked, making Naruto look up at him in shock.

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