Truth p.5

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In truth, he was curious about the blonde boy's abilities, as the Hiraishin alone already made him at low-Jōnin level.

A true prodigy indeed.

Naruto casually listed off his skills with his fingers. "One, I'm a Sage — I can utilize Natural Energy. Two, I have full cooperation of my tenant, who gives me a tremendous boost in my abilities. Three, I know a few dozen C-Rank and B-Rank jutsus, offense and defense — even though I rarely use them — and some A-Rank jutsus as well. Four, I'm immune to Genjutsu thanks to my tenant." He said, grinning cheekily as he finished with, "And Five, I'm just plain awesome!"

Throughout the explanation, Hiruzen's jaw dropped gradually as each of the skills was listed, and Naruto couldn't help but chuckle.

Of course, there was also the Rikudō Sennin Mōdo, but he needn't mention that.

Hiruzen shook his head in amusement and awe. "With those skills alone, you're basically a Kage-level shinobi in your own right!" he exclaimed, "You're still a Jinchuriki?"

Naruto nodded as he channeled chakra to his stomach, revealing the Hakke no Fūin Shiki (Eight Trigrams Seal).

Hiruzen chuckled as he leaned back in his seat, "I think I may just retire and give you my hat," he said with a laugh, "But that last point I beg to differ; Naruko-chan claims that she's more awesome than anyone else."

Naruto smirked. "Wanna bet?"

Hiruzen paled. "Oh, hell no — if your luck is anything like Naruko's, I'll be broke by the end of the day!"

Naruto laughed out loud at that. "You know it!"

After that, Naruto proceeded to explain his life and the major events that took place in extreme detail, right up until the Fourth Shinobi World War. After a lengthy, twenty minute discussion, Naruto finally sat back down and took a deep gulp of water to soothe his aching throat. The old Kage just sat behind his desk, letting the information sink in and be processed, and his expression was blank and unreadable. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Hiruzen finally spoke up, breaking it.

"So ... the Progenitor of Chakra herself was responsible." The powerful Kage murmured, his expression grim. "Never in my long years as a shinobi have I heard such a ridiculous story but coming from you, I would very much believe it like I was actually there." The man chuckled as he rubbed his temples, "This is a lot to take in — who knew that world's coming to an end in just a few years?"

"I know, Jiji. Take your time." Naruto said with a sad smile. After all, it's not every day you were told about your death at the hands of your former student and the end of the world by a mere teenager. "Promise you won't do anything rash — at least consult with me first."

Hiruzen nodded as he stood up and gazed down at his beloved village. There, he saw citizens and shinobi milling about their daily lives. To think that this peaceful atmosphere would be shattered in the next few years was unimaginable. But, Hiruzen believed Naruto's story — he had seen the haunted look in the boy's cerulean orbs when he had elaborated on the war, a sight which very nearly broke the old man's heart. No boy as young as Naruto should possess that kind of look, the look of a battle-weary soldier who had seen too much.

The war was coming. They needed to prepare.

"I promise Naruto-kun. I won't do anything without consulting you first." the man said as he turned to face the young blonde, "Actually, I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?" Naruto asked eagerly.

Back in his time, the only times the Hokage asks a favor of him was always the most rewarding of them all, like free ramen or a field trip with the Hokage to the Monument to watch the sunset. It was both memorable and delighting, and Naruto missed those times with his first precious person.

Hiruzen walked to his desk and opened a drawer, and he fished out some papers and began to write something down. After finishing, he handed them to Naruto. "Give this to one of the Academy instructors." He instructed, as Naruto took the paper from his hand. "They'll give you a test and proceed to make you a Genin. And when that's done, one of these days, come find me where we can test your true skills," The old man explained, and Naruto nodded with a smile.

He was getting his rank back. He may be still a Genin when he 'left' his old world, it still stung his pride for being the only one along with Sasuke out of the Konoha 12 to still remain as a Genin for so long.

"And also, this..." The Hokage handed a second paper to him, and the young blonde's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when he read them.

These were Konoha's official adoption papers, and it listed him as one of the guardians.

The Hokage chuckled at the boy's reaction, who just stared back at him in disbelief. "Yes Naruto-kun, I'm asking you to officially adopt Naruko-chan as your younger sister." He said, holding up his hand to halt Naruto's impending question. "And before you ask, it's completely legal as you are officially an adult once you receive your Genin rank. And, since it is beyond question that you would certainly pass the test, I foresee no problems with my proposal."

Naruto slowly looked up at him, eyes pleading with emotion and uncertainty. "B-But... am I ready for this?" the boy asked, suddenly unsure of himself, and Hiruzen had never seen the confident and strong young boy this vulnerable ever since he met him. "All I really wanted was a family to call my own... but what if I can't protect her like how I can't protect my people back home? What if—?"

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