Revelations p.3

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For the next half an hour, Naruto explained everything. From his childhood and his status as a Jinchuriki, to where he was from originally, right up until the Fourth Shinobi World War, his meeting with Kami, and his mission to the past. He had paused a few times to catch his breath or answering Naruko's questions. The blonde girl mostly stayed silent as she listened to his tale, violet eyes dull and her expression unreadable which worried Naruto to no end.

After he was done, a small silence fell between the two of them, both lost in their own thoughts. Naruto was deeply worried, and quite frankly terrified. If Naruko were to react negatively to his story and in turn push her away from him, Naruto knew that her leaving him would be the last straw for his sanity — it would be like losing both his family and friends all over again.

He wasn't sure he was strong enough to recover from that.

As Naruto was wallowing in his own uncertainty, Naruko's mind was racing as she processed the new information. To be told by the person she now considered to be one of her closest people that he was from another dimension, shared the same blood flowing through her veins, being told about the end of the world and meeting a deity that only existed in myths? If it were anyone other than Naruto, Naruko would've told them off and called them insane.

But the way Naruto said it — without a sense of deceit or doubt, was enough to make her believe in him all the more.

When she looked up to see Naruto's disheartened expression, eyes downcast as signs of wetness seeped in them, she was thrown into another emotional loop. Ever since meeting him, Naruto had been a stalwart figure that she could count on, for he was stronger both physically and emotionally than anyone else she knew. Seeing him like this, so vulnerable and weak, was enough to break her heart. Tears fell unabashedly down her cheeks as she watched Naruto's expression falling deeper and deeper into despair.

She made her move even before her mind had made the obvious decision.

A moment later, seeing that Naruko was showing no reaction with her hair shadowing her features, Naruto was about to stand up to give the girl some privacy before he was tackled into a loving hug from said girl, leaving him stunned and unable to move. Then the sound of crying was heard, causing Naruto to look down to see his beautiful sister crying into his chest, as her arms circled his midsection as she cried into his jacker. His arms instinctively held her close to him as the feeling of self-doubt and loathing came back in force, even with Kurama trying to flood his chakra coils with Yang chakra.

Naruto was snapped out of his internal self-loathing when Naruko looked up at him with tear-streaked violet eyes that he loved so much, which were red and puffy due to the crying. Naruto closed his eyes, letting his own tears loose and was about to say something before Naruko beat him to it.

"Don't, Onii-chan..." she pleaded, making him look at her in shock and bewilderment, "Despite what you think, and I know that you're thinking about it right now — I could never hate you. You mean too much to me for me to do that."

Naruto's eyes widened in stunned shock. The girl's thoughts about his mental state had been right on the mark.

Naruko sniffed as she snuggled into his chest, inhaling his calming scent as she did. "Even though I only met you yesterday, the time I've spent with you since then were some of the happiest days of my life." she admitted, making Naruto's gaze soften as his inner loathing died down, ignoring the sigh of relief from a certain Bijū. "You gave me friendship, gave me hope, gave me a family, and above all else —"

She then pulled back and looked directly into his stunned azure eyes, eyes showing compassion and warmth, "— you gave me love. Love that I've always dreamed about but never believed that I would ever experience."

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