Revelation p.12

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Both Uzumaki siblings didn't need to be told what was happening right in front of them now — their father was leaving.

Naruko hugged her father even tighter, refusing to let go and in denial, "No!" she cried, "We just found one another and now you're leaving?! That's not fair!" she sobbed harder as the implications of her own words came crashing down on her. Her father was leaving and there was nothing she could do.

Naruko felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up into the cerulean depths of her most precious person. It was then she idly noticed that her father's cerulean orbs were a slightly darker shade as compared to Naruto's whose eyes were an icy, sky blue. Those were the eyes she was staring into right now and she found it difficult to pull away from his gaze, which was full of understanding, warmth and concern.

Naruto smiled sadly, squeezing her shoulder in comfort. "Come now Naruko-chan, don't be sad," he said cheerfully, but Naruko could see the tears sliding down the boy's cheeks, which said otherwise about how he's truly feeling. "Besides, it'll be a lot harder for Tou-chan to leave us if he saw you sad like that." He managed to choke out before squeezing his eyes shut to stem the flow of tears from his eyes. It was obvious to Naruko that he was just as upset as she was which made her feel guilty for being so selfish.

Wiping her tears from her eyes, she hugged Minato one last time before pulling away reluctantly, a tearful smile adorned on her beautiful features. "Naruto-kun's right — I'm being selfish for wanting you to stay, Tou-chan." she said hands still holding onto the fading man's own, wanting to relish the last moments she would ever have with her father. Naruko understood that he had to go, but it still hurt even if she had come to accept it as inevitable. "I'm going to miss you."

"And I you," Minato said with a smile, fading faster than ever, "Take care of your brother for me my little angel."

Naruko nodded through misty eyes, "I will."

"And Naruto!" Said boy looked up at the mention of his name, "Protect what is precious to you, and take care of your little sister." Minato said, and Naruto nodded intently eyes shining in determination.

"I will. I never go back on my word." Naruto said as he held a fist to his heart, "That is my nindō — my ninja way!" he declared resolutely, making everyone around him smile. Deciding he couldn't resist as the notion was too tempting, he added. "Dattebayo!"

Minato stood there stunned for a moment before bursting out in laughter while Naruko stared at her brother in complete shock.

"Hah! I knew you were your mother's son!" Minato said, laughing as he did.

Naruto nodded with a warm smile before giving a two-fingered salute to Minato, "See you later, Tou-chan."

Naruto saw the elder blonde nod his head when he noticed that the man's eyes were focused on something behind him, and Naruto didn't have to turn around to know who his father was staring at with such longing and warmth.

Naruko smiled as she waved. "Goodbye, Tou-chan!" she called out as she, Naruto and Kurama watched on as Minato faded into the afterlife with a peaceful expression on his handsome face, making Naruko feel extremely happy yet sad at the same time for getting to know her father for the first and last time.

She broke out of her stupor when Naruto nudged her by her shoulders. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, concern lining his tone.

Naruko nodded with a small smile. "Yeah," she wiped her tear streaked face dry with her hands, "I'm going to miss him though."

"You and me both." Naruto said in understanding. After all, he was also his father.

Naruto smiled as he cheerfully said, "But let's get past that now, as right now, I want to introduce you to someone." His words made her perk up instantly as she listened intently, "Someone who is just as special as Tou-chan, if not even more so."

Naruko could feel her heart thundering in her chest as she processed Naruto's words, not quite believing on who he was implying.

"Ara ara..." a melodic voice sounded behind them, causing Naruko to turn behind her to find the owner of the voice, "You're over exaggerating Naruto-kun, I'm not anything special." the voice said with mirth in its voice as Naruko finally had a better look at the newcomer.

The owner of the voice was a stunning woman in her late twenties, whose angelic features were the same with Naruko's own, with knee length vibrant red hair that flowed down her slender back and brilliant purple eyes that shone with love and mischief. She was wearing a forest green maternity blouse over a white shirt that made her look even more motherly and beautiful. Her lips were curled upwards into a gentle smile which immediately drew Naruko in with her gentle and loving presence.

With the feeling of her presence alone, Naruko had already known who this woman was before she even told her.

Naruto chuckled as he scratched the side of his cheek, embarrassed. "Well, don't sell yourself short, I mean without you, where would we be?" he asked rhetorically that caused the woman to giggle at his ridiculousness.

The woman then turned to look at Naruko, whose tears were already falling, and she smiled warmly at her which caused Naruko's tears to come harder, already knowing without a doubt who this woman was. The only people who could exert such a warm and loving aura would be Naruto, her father, and—

"K-Kaa-chan..." Naruko stuttered out, overwhelmed with emotion.

The woman nodded, the smile never leaving her face, "That's right, I am Uzumaki Kushina," she said, "I'm your Kaa-chan."

Naruko moved a tentative step forwards, then another, and in moments she was running full sprint towards the newly named Kushina before throwing herself into the woman's waiting arms, sobbing her heart out in joy.

"Kaa-chan!" Naruko cried out in happiness, happy tears pouring out of her eyes.

Kushina gently ran her fingers through her daughter's silky golden tresses, tears of joy of her own falling as well. "Yes, my little angel... Kaa-chan is here." she whispered into the girl's ear making the girl sob as Kushina gently rubbed the girl's back in small circles.

Naruto approached the happy mother-daughter duo with a warm smile, sending a silent gesture of thanks to Kurama who was resting on his front paws watching the scene unfold, not daring to interrupt.

It was then Kushina took notice of Naruto standing beside them, and she smiled at him. "Come here my son," she said, stunning the young man. At his shocked look, Kushina giggled, "I heard everything Naruto-kun, and I can't in good conscience ignore my own flesh and blood... even if I had no memory of giving birth to twins."

Naruto chuckled at the redhead's attempt at a joke before joining the hug as well.

The three of them just stayed there, hugging each other and tuning out everything else, for they knew that when they had each other, nothing could ever go wrong.

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