Dilemma p.4

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Naruto sighed in relief as he held his full stomach, burping loudly as he did causing Naruko to giggle and chide him slightly for his lack of manners, which he sheepishly apologized. Dinner was great if Naruto had to so say himself, as it was not instant ramen cups they were having for dinner. It was still ramen but it was very different and the reason was: Naruko was cooking.

Yup, Naruto's cute little sister was cooking her homemade special ramen that she made up herself and Naruto had to admit, it was by far the best ramen he had ever tasted in his life, both past and present. When Naruto praised her cooking, using exaggerated hand motions and his cheeky smile in place, Naruko blushed completely red at his words before laughing at his silly motions, causing Naruto to smile.

And now they were currently in the living area of the apartment, with Naruto sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch where Naruko was currently sitting relaxing while thinking about tomorrow's Genin Test. Naruto went through multiple scenarios in his head to think of the most effective way to get the bells from Kakashi – which Naruto hoped was the same test he will give if the timeline remained intact – and also try to work with Sasuke and Sakura, both of whom were still in their early-annoying-adolescence stage, not like the mature and competent ones he used to work with back in his time.

Another thing Naruto had to worry about was to not pound the Uchiha into next week for leering at his sister...

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Naruko spoke, "Onii-chan, can I ask you something?" she asked.

Naruto nodded. "Sure. What is it?"

Naruko looked slightly sheepish as she pointed over to the dining table where Naruto had deposited his scrolls he had obtained that morning from the blacksmith, violet eyes lit with curiosity, "What's in those scrolls? You promised me to tell me what they are after our dinner . . ."

Naruto too looked over before realization dawned on him. The young blonde stood up and made his way over to the table, randomly taking one of the scrolls lying haphazardly on it before moving back to where Naruko was, smiling warmly. He made a mental note to create another seal to house more of his belongings as he didn't want to mess up the apartment they were living in.

Sitting down in front of the couch where Naruko was sitting, Naruto opened the scroll on the floor to reveal a simple storage seal engraved into it. Naruko poked her head over to take a better look at it, head tilted in curiosity. Naruto placed two fingers on the seal before channeling his chakra into it, creating a puff of smoke before it cleared to reveal the contents.

The moment the contents were revealed, Naruko's eyes widened in surprised recognition and awe as Naruto smiled. "These, Naruko-chan . . ." he picked up one of the many tri-pronged kunais with a special seal engraved onto the handle and held it out for Naruko, who gingerly took it as if the kunai was made of glass and would break if she wasn't careful, "Are the special kunais I told you about. I'm sure I don't need to explain what they are for, ne?"

Naruko shook her head as she continued to examine the kunai and the seal, her face a picture of awed fascination and adoration which made Naruto's heart skip a beat. "T-These a-are Tou-chan's kunais . . ." she said reverently.

Naruto smiled as he nodded. "Yes they are."

Naruko turned to look at him. "B-But how? I thought only Tou-chan can use them since only he had mastered the technique . . ." she started to say before her eyes widened in realization, and she looked down at the kunai before looking back up at Naruto, awestruck beyond belief, "Onii-chan, you didn't . . ."

Naruto grinned sheepishly. "I did."

Naruko remained silent for a couple of seconds before she squealed, much to the surprised shock of our blonde hero before he was bowled over by a blonde cannonball, falling flat on his back with her on top of him.

"Oh my gosh! You know the Hiraishin! Since when?! Where did you learn it?! Who did you learn it from?! Can I learn it too, please, please, please?!" Naruko's sudden rapid-fire questions caught Naruto off guard as he tried to calm his sister down, and he couldn't help but be amused at her overwhelming enthusiasm to learn new jutsus, just like him. Gingerly prying the excitable girl off him, Naruto stood before dusting himself off as he grinned.

"It's a secret~" he sang out, earning an annoyed pout from Naruko as she huffed indignantly, causing Naruto to laugh, "Alright, alright, calm down . . ." he said in a placating manner, "I learned it from Tou-chan's memories, right before his . . ." Naruto swallowed as that horrible memory flashed through his mind, he never did got over that painful memory as it was still fresh in his mind, despite meeting this dimension's Minato. "His soul was ripped away by Kaguya . . ."

Naruko squeezed his hand in comfort as he tried to get his emotions under control. Once he did, Naruto smiled. "And of course I will teach you Naruko-chan! It's basically an artificial bloodline limit Tou-chan developed so that no one other than his blood relatives can use it, so it makes sense for you to learn it too!"

Naruko smiled wider as she bounced on the balls of her feet, her giddiness plain for all to see, "When do we start?" she asked excitedly.

Naruto thought about it for a moment, before he smacked his right fist into his left palm when an idea came to his mind. "How about the day after tomorrow?" he suggested, "We'll start bright and early to get some training in, and I'll teach you everything I know, what say you?" he asked with a grin as he already knew the answer before she even spoke.

Naruko nodded, a cheerful and bright expression adorned on her lovely features. "Hai!" she said before hugging him again, this time in a grateful manner. If Naruto was just as strong as he was in his memories, then Naruko wouldn't have anyone else as her instructor. "Please take care of me, Naruto-sensei." She added cheekily, earning a laugh from the taller blonde male.

As for Naruto, he wouldn't have it any other way either. Not only can he train his sister to become a more talented kunoichi, they can also incidentally spend more time together, and in Naruto's opinion that was a big okay in his books. But, as he kept reminding himself over and over again, he would need to be discrete as to not draw attention lest Black Zetsu caught wind of his meddling and Naruto's dark future would be a reality the second time around.

He silently renewed his vow to save his friends and this world, especially the girl in his arms . . .

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