The second exam!?

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Contentment — a feeling or a state of happiness and satisfaction.

That was what a certain blonde haired blue-eyed young man was feeling at the moment as he walked down one of the busy streets in Konoha with Naruko right beside him, holding onto his hand affectionately. The Uzumaki siblings were currently on their way towards the Hokage Mansion at the behest of Naruto after their intense emotional bonding session within their shared mindscapes. With only an hour or so left before they have to be at the Academy if Naruto's memory served him right, Naruto knew he needed to be quick.

Hastening his pace, they both arrived at their intended destination and Naruto led his sister into the main lobby of the Mansion before heading upstairs to meet the Sandaime. Now, most people would've wondered why Naruto was meeting the Hokage at this time of day when it was the day of team placements, but Naruto hadn't needed to meet with the old shinobi if not for the important fact that his mother had pointed out to him during their reunion.

~ D ~ R ~

Flashback – a few moments ago...

After their emotional reunion, the Uzumaki trio happily talked and bonded throughout the time Kushina was able to remain in the mortal plane with her chakra. Naruko was the happiest of them all as she not only met her father, but she also got to meet her beautiful mother as well, and it was all thanks to a certain blonde-haired boy who was sitting cross-legged in front of the mother-daughter duo who was sitting close together. Kushina was sharing with Naruko her story of how she came to Konoha and became the Second Jinchuriki of Kurama, her childhood in Konoha and when she met Minato, about how he saved her from Kumogakure spies and the consequent attack on the village thirteen years ago.

Naruto mostly tuned out their conversation as he had heard them before from Kushina back in his time and dimension, so he didn't notice when Kushina began calling out to him, stirring him from his stupor. "I'm sorry, Kaa-chan, what was that?"

Kushina giggled as she repeated her question. "I said, if you're as skilled as you were when you left your timeline, doesn't that upset the equilibrium of your team?" she asked, a serious expression adorning her lovely features which made Naruto raise an eyebrow. She then smirked. "What I meant by equilibrium is that you are powerful in your own right, as you are basically a Kage-level shinobi holding onto a Genin rank. It not only unbalances the team, but the team basically drags you down with their low-level skill sets and I know you don't like being held back."

Naruto flushed in embarrassment while Naruko giggled. The redheaded beauty had basically hit the nail on the head, reminding him once again that mothers always do know what's best for her children.

Kushina smiled as she smoothed out her blouse before speaking. "So, here's my suggestion when you get back, go and talk with Sandaime-sama into giving you permission to operate independently with a Jōnin retainer as an observer."

Naruto's eyes widened while Naruko just tilted her head sideways, confused.

"Though rare, there were some cases that Genin were already mid-chūnin level when they graduated from the Academy." Kushina lectured, unconsciously slipping into her lecture pose as she did. "Take Uchiha Itachi for example, as the Sandaime gave him leeway to operate as an independent cell and can be paired with any other team as the situation requires it."

Naruto nodded, having heard the story from Kakashi once when they were on a routine scouting mission a few years back. Itachi's skillset was so advanced for a Genin that he had to be removed from the official team placement list as to balance out the other teams.

Naruto hummed in thought as the suggestion was very tempting, but he needed one other person's approval to go through with it. Naruto turned towards his sister, who was sporting a slightly conflicted look.

"Naruko-chan?" he tentatively asked, making the blonde girl look up at him with those shining violet orbs of hers. "What do you think? Should I go for it? I won't go through with it if you don't want me to."

As Naruko took her time to ponder his question, Kushina smiled warmly at her children yes, children... especially Naruko. She was no fool — she had already seen the signs that her daughter was infatuated with her son from another timeline, and strangely enough she didn't feel disgusted or repulsed by it. Maybe she was one of the last of the Uzumaki Clan where interbreeding was normal in the clan, or maybe because she found Naruto to be the perfect match for her daughter in every way; either way the thought of her two children getting together felt strangely... right to her.

Kushina looked at Naruko again, who was sporting a thinking expression, the red-headed mother smiled warmly at Naruto's considerate nature to his sister's feelings, which Kushina found to be utterly adorable.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, Naruko-chan." She said softly.

"No." Naruko said with conviction, a smile of understanding on her lips. "I understand your predicament Onii-chan, and honestly we're nowhere near your level of power now, and we will just slow you down."

Naruto was about to speak in protest, saying that Naruko can be a strong as he was, before Naruko held up a hand as she continued. "Don't misunderstand me Onii-chan, I can become stronger, but not now. Maybe in the future, but not now." Naruko said as she smiled. "That's why from today onwards, I'm going to train as hard as I can to catch up with you, so that one day it will be my turn to protect you! Dattebane!" She immediately clamped her mouth shut with her hands, face blushing in embarrassment as she cursed her verbal tic for the hundredth time.

Kushina giggled. "Oh, it looks like I'm not the only one with a verbal tic, Dattebane." she chided lightly with a grin. In truth, she was still a tad bit annoyed that her worst traits got passed on to her children. "Like mother, like daughter, huh?"

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