Settling in

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Naruto was currently walking through the village in the afternoon heat from the Hokage's office towards his destination, which was right beside the Hokage Mansion. Another wave of nostalgia assaulted him when he reminisced about the place where he began his shinobi career. The instructors, his friends, the third years, the first years — it really brought back many memorable memories. He remembered when he used to prank the Academy instructors almost every day and always got detention because of it.

Thinking back, his pranking skills really helped him in trap setting and stealth, as most of his pranks weren't detected until the last minute. He was broken out of his stupor when he arrived at the destination, which was the Academy Building.

He would've gone in already, but he was currently losing circulation in his right arm.

"Ano, Naruko-chan," Naruto said while poking the girls head, trying to pry her off his poorly circulated arm, "Can you... you know, let go of my arm now? I can't feel my hands..."

Ever since she had officially become his sister, Naruko had been stuck to him like glue on paper, refusing to let go of him for fear he would run off or disappear if she let go. Right now she was clinging to his right arm like a vice, which led to his current predicament.

Naruko looked up at him with a pout. "Do I have to onii-chan?" she asked innocently, which of course it wasn't as innocent as it sounded if Naruto's emotions sensing was accurate. She was doing this on purpose just to get a rise out of him, since he's her new Onii-chan she would want to have a little fun with her new brother.

"Yes, if not I can't write and I'll fail my test and I won't become a shinobi and I won't be able to bring you to Ichiraku's anymore," Naruto deadpanned.

He smirked when he saw the girl's face grow paler by the minute and she finally let his arm free. Groaning at getting feeling back into his arm again, he looked at Naruko who looked sheepish and embarrassed. "Don't worry Naruko-chan; it's not your fault." He reassured, "You just couldn't control yourself that's all."

Naruko blushed as she placed her hands at her back, looking as innocent as possible. "It's the first time I have an older brother... of course I can't control myself." She then smiled brightly up at him, "But that's the fun part about it, wouldn't you say?"

Naruto chuckled as he walked in the front door, with Naruko following closely just behind him. "Hai, hai... whatever you say Naruko-hime." He smirked at the tomato red blush on her face as he made his way through one of the corridors before stopping outside a door that read "Chūnin Office".

"This must be it," Naruto said as he opened the door, and the first thing he saw was a yellow blur that rushed into the room and the next thing he knew he saw what appeared to be his sister glomping on a poor Chūnin on the ground. He couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's antics as she was almost the same as he was — hyperactive and unpredictable.

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruko shouted, causing Naruto to look up in slight surprise with a smile on his face, "You won't believe the most amazing thing that has happened to me!"

The newly named Umino Iruka chuckled as he tried to pry his ex-student off him. "Alright, hold your horses' young lady," He said, causing the girl to pout, "Let me guess... you've got a month's worth of ramen coupons?"

Naruko pouted harder as she shook her head. "No! Even better!" She got off him and headed straight for Naruto, pulling him by his arm towards the scarred Chūnin, "I have an older brother!"

Iruka's eyes widened tenfold when he heard that, and he immediately began looking over the supposed older brother of his favorite student. The young blonde man had a smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his head, looking sheepish. After a minute's silence, Iruka spoke up.

"I trust that you didn't do anything inappropriate to my student?" he asked, causing both blondes to blush, Naruko's deeper than the other blonde's.

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruko shouted.

Naruto chuckled as he composed himself. "Don't worry Naruko-chan, he's just messing with you." He said placatingly. "Plus, if you were in his shoes, what would you do?"

Iruka gave him an appraising look when he said that. It had been a long time since Naruto had seen his favorite Academy instructor again since the event at Turtle Island, and meeting the man again made the young blonde quite happy indeed.

Naruko bowed her head. "Sorry Iruka-sensei." She said, which the Chūnin just waved it off.

"It's fine." He said, "So tell me, what can I do for you today?"

Naruto handed the paper the Hokage gave him to the scarred Chūnin, which he took and began to scan it.

"Hokage-sama gave me permission to join the shinobi corps and be placed with the graduating class. You just have to administer a test and we're done." Naruto explained.

Truth be told, he had been eager to test his newfound skills and intellect on the Genin Exams, since he failed them thrice already, it wouldn't hurt to pass it without being interfered by outside influences.

Cough, Mizuki, Cough.

Iruka nodded.

"Uzumaki Naruto, eh? Okay. Follow me — since I'm free I'll be the one to administer your test." He said, turning around as he beckoned the two of them to follow him.

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