Same shit, different day p.3

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"That doesn't seem like a fight to me." a dark voice said.

Everyone turned in surprise to see the Last Uchiha talking, a smirk on his face, "Dog breath over there barely gave the blonde dobe a challenge," he scoffed, "That's what you get for being weak, loser."

Kiba growled in anger as Naruto tried to hold the enraged boy back, holding him by the boy's arms, "What did you say you bastard!? Come on Naruto! Let me at 'em! He insulted you too!"

Kiba continued to struggle out of Naruto's hold, but the blonde held firm as he barely moved a muscle and turned to face the smirking raven-haired Uchiha, his expression unreadable. Then, to the shock of everyone who was there as they were expecting a short argument to erupt between the two, Naruto did something no one expected...

He laughed out loudly, causing the whole class to stay silent and the smirk on the Uchiha's face to vanish almost instantly as he glared at the laughing blonde.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked irritably as his glare intensified, trying to goad a reaction from the blonde male. He then smirked. "If you're laughing because you are too weak to face me: an elite, then be my guest."

"N-No..." Naruto wheezed out as he tried to catch his breath, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes as he tried to repress the chuckle that escaped from him, making Sasuke all the angrier. Naruto took a deep breath as he sobered up, "I'm laughing because of the joke you pulled about Kiba being a loser and all, that would really funny if it were true," Sasuke narrowed his eyes Naruto continued to speak, his expression calming from his mirth, "I mean, he kept up with me the entire time we were sparring, never backing down even when he knows that I far outclass him. In friendly spars, it's not all about winning the match, it's the lessons you take from it whether you win or lose. Isn't that right, Kiba?"

Kiba merely nodded after he had calmed down, as the blonde's words made a lot of sense — especially to him. The rest of the class was in a similar mindset as well, and was surprised at the insight and maturity Naruto had shown when he had said that.

Sasuke scoffed uncaringly, "So what? I am an Uchiha, and I can beat the likes of you in under a minute..." he said arrogantly with a smug smirk.

"Care to bet on that, Uchiha-san?" Naruto asked, his eyebrow rose and putting as much sarcasm into the honorific as possible, which further infuriated the Last Uchiha.

Sasuke turned to Iruka as he spoke.

"Sensei! I demand that I be put to the test with the blonde dobe, so that I can put him I his place — amongst the losers!"

Meanwhile, Naruko growled as she unconsciously clenched and unclenched her hands, all the while grinding her teeth in anger. Every single word that came out of the emo-king's mouth was always derogatory or a direct insult to Naruto. Unknown to the girl, her classmates backed away from her in fear as a dangerously dark aura appeared around her which clung to her like a cloak. She was very angry — angry at the raven-haired Uchiha for insulting and belittling her brother who had clearly proven his worth as a worthy shinobi of Konoha.

Iruka was also frowning at the young Uchiha. "Well I wouldn't mind having you go up against Naruto, Sasuke." He began sternly, "But you're still a fresh Genin out of the Academy who is currently speaking to a fellow shinobi of higher rank, so watch your tone!"

Sasuke scoffed but said nothing, instead directing his gaze at the blonde male. Iruka sighed tiredly as he gestured towards the sparring ring.

"Would Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto come forth to the ring?" he announced. Without hesitation, Sasuke stepped into place, smug smile plastered on his face, confident of an easy victory and to finally show his Naruko just how weak her so-called brother was as compared to him.

Naruto on the other hand just took his position opposite of him, not before waving at the cheers from Naruko and Kiba to kick the Uchiha's hide.

"Alright, the rules are the same as before — first one to knock your opponents out of the ring or couldn't continue wins. Fighters ready?"

Both boys slipped into their respective taijutsu stances, not taking off their eyes of their opponents. A deathly tense atmosphere loomed over the sparring grounds, the fresh Genin not daring to take their eyes off the spar, with Sasuke's fangirls stating, 'he's got this in the bag' and 'The new kid will never stand a chance...' and the other half rooting for the newly arrived blonde.

Naruto closed his eyes, centring himself as he warmed up his chakra coils — the familiar feeling of warmth coursing through his veins was as welcoming as a bowl of miso ramen. Sasuke, seeing his opponent close his eyes, smirked in triumph at the supposed 'resignation', feeling more assured of his victory.

"HAJIME!" At Iruka's shout, Naruko's eyes widened in shock when Sasuke closed the distance between him and Naruto in less than a few seconds, and her heart clenched painfully when he was about to land the decisive finishing blow on the Uzumaki male, hoping for a fast victory...

...And once again to everyone's shock and amazement, like Kiba before him, Sasuke's fist only managed to hit air, his onyx eyes widening in shock.

"What the —" Sasuke started to say, but couldn't finish his sentence when he felt a sharp pain in his gut.

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