Same shit, different day p.6

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"B-But Iruka-sensei!" he began, eyes not believing what they were seeing, as the rest of the class that stayed behind remained confused, "These can't be my points! I mean, I didn't actually do anything that amazing ..." he said the last part in a light whisper so that only he could hear.

The class was still confused about the blonde's reaction to his points, and they were wondering if he did well enough to pass. Judging by the spars earlier, they knew for sure that Naruto would've passed with flying colours.

"Yes, Naruto," Iruka picked up the clipboard again and skimmed through it once more, "You've scored higher than any of the Genin we tested thus far in the history of Konoha, on par with that of Uchiha Itachi and Hatake Kakashi."

The whole class gasped in shock and awe, while also feeling a little bit intimidated by the blonde. The names Uchiha Itachi and Hatake Kakashi had been synonymous with a prodigy in the shinobi arts in Konoha, as one was the name of the traitor who murdered the Uchiha Clan in one night, and the other was a renowned shinobi infamous for his moniker of 'Sharingan no Kakashi', the Copy Ninja. If one were to be on par with such legendary figures, they were in a class of their own.

And Naruto was proving to be one of them.

Iruka looked at the blonde boy with a fond smile, the same one the man wore back in his time when he was proud of what his favourite student did, and it made Naruto tear up slightly on the inside. "Congratulations Naruto, you are officially a Genin!"

Naruto grinned as he pumped his fists. "Alright! Thanks a bunch sensei." He said.

"Don't mention it," Iruka replied, "Now it's time to get back to class — the Jōnin are waiting."

Iruka clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention and they began shuffling back into the building. Naruto sighed once as he made his way towards the door, only to stop when he remembered something — the look of pure anguish and terror on her face just before the jutsu hit his sealing scroll.

He immediately whirled around to go look for her, before he was suddenly enveloped in a tight embrace, the familiar scent of vanilla and wildflowers filling his senses as he smiled sadly and hugged the lithe form back, already feeling his clothes starting to soak with tears as Naruko bawled her eyes out in his chest. He rubbed her back soothingly as he whispered comforting words into her ear, making her tense form relax, but she was still trembling and was still sobbing lightly.

Naruko sniffed as she hoarsely said, "I-I t-thought I lost you," she stuttered fearfully, "W-When I saw the flames hit you, I was so scared Onii-chan. I-I thought you were dead, and I was left alone again..." She finished with a muffled sob as she buried her face deeper into his shirt, her grip strong as if afraid he would disappear if she let go, and making Naruto feel guiltier than ever for pulling his stunt on the Uchiha, "I didn't know what to do..."

Naruto sighed as he hugged her back tighter, and gently ran his hands through her silky blonde hair. "I'm so sorry Naruko-chan..." he apologized sincerely, regret filling his voice, "I was stupid... I wasn't thinking straight when I fought Sasuke." he confessed as he continued to gently comb her hair, Naruko closing her eyes I bliss at his ministrations, "I put myself in harm's way on purpose just to show off my fūinjutsu skills," he paused as he gnawed at his lower lip, "I am so sorry Naruko-chan, for scaring you like that."

"You better," Naruko said with a sniff, pulling back so she can look into his azure orbs, violet eyes pleading, "Promise me, Onii-chan — no matter what happens, you will never leave me alone ever again." She placed her forehead on his own, her shorter height making it so that she would have to tiptoe slightly to do so, desperately fighting down her blush that threatened to form on her face, "Promise me, Onii-chan."

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