Truth p.3

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Naruto chuckled. "Very impressive Jiji," He said, making Hiruzen even angrier than before, before the blonde's next cheerful words shocked him. "You haven't changed a bit!"

Hiruzen was stunned. No one should have been able to withstand that much Killing Intent and not faint or be floored by it, much less a thirteen year old boy. To be able to withstand that kind of power and still be able to remain cheerful and outright laugh... the boy's mental prowess must be astonishing!

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes in confusion, "What are you talking about? I've never met you before, much less talked to you."

"No," Naruto conceded, nodding as he did. "Not you specifically, but by another version of you in an alternate reality / dimension, until I was thirteen."

"Stop spewing such nonsense!" Hiruzen shouted, slamming his hands on his desk, cracking it. "How can anyone possibly believe that you came from another dimension / reality, even if it was true then what proof do you have?!"

He had heard a lot of crazy things in his long life, but this one took the cake. Another dimension? And from what he heard from the boy, who couldn't be more than thirteen, time travel? This situation was getting really troublesome, really fast.

Elsewhere a certain pineapple haired man sneezed.

To his unending surprise, the blonde just shook his head. "I don't just have proof, I have many proofs."

The boy then pulled out the kunai he had used earlier in the training grounds, and placed it on the Hokage's desk.

After the little meet up with Naruko back at the field, Naruto noticed some residue chakra on the hilt of the blade, and when he examined it he found a seal of some sort engraved on it with chakra. He also noticed when he stretched out his senses, this seal appeared to his senses as some sort of tear in the fabric of Space-Time in which he can open at a whim, and when he tried opening it when no one's looking — including Naruko — he had appeared at where the kunai and the seal had been almost instantly!

After consulting with Kurama and a bit of probing through his father's memories, they concluded that since his father's memories, including muscle memory, had been assimilated by him, it can only mean one thing: Naruto had unknowingly mastered the infamous Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique).

It irked him at first for mastering such a powerful technique through such a cheap way as a memory transfer, he was encouraged by Kurama to further improve upon it and find more ways to apply it on the battlefield, which got his hopes up on not copying his father's jutsu without hard work.

Hiruzen looked at the ordinarily looking kunai and raised an eyebrow. "What does this have to do with you coming from another dimension?"

Naruto shook his head in amusement. "Trying holding it and see what you can find." He offered, while discretely forming another Hiraishin Jutsu Shiki through the soles of his feet.

This was one way he tried to improve upon the Hiraishin, by placing jutsu shikis through his feet. It requires near perfect chakra control and it was impractical with his current mastery to be used effectively during battle, but perfect for a demonstration of his abilities.

The elderly Hokage tried to sense any ill-intent coming from the blonde. When finding none, he picked up the kunai and started to examine it. While to any normal observer, it would appear as any other regular kunai, but Hiruzen wasn't called 'the Professor' for nothing, as he sensed a trickle of chakra in the hilt of the blade and when he examined it, he noticed a seal engraved on it.

Upon closer inspection, Hiruzen's eyes widened in shock and recognition and was about to say something when he felt a shift in the air in front of him. His eyes caught sight of a flash of yellow, and then a split second later the kunai in his hands was gone. He looked up to see Naruto standing there, casually spinning the kunai with his fingers through the ring at the hilt, a smile on his face. The old leader didn't even have the chance to react!

Hiruzen staggered back in his seat slightly as he took in a shaky breath, not believing what he was seeing. "T-That was the..." he trailed off at the end, and he saw Naruto nod in affirmation.

"You thought right Jiji, that's was the Yondaime's prized jutsu, the Hiraishin." Naruto said, and he put away the kunai into his pocket, "I guess that answers your questions about my abilities?"

Hiruzen just nodded numbly, eyes and mind still not comprehending the things he they had seen and processed. But no matter how he saw it, it will always be the same — the boy, a young thirteen-year-old, had just performed an S-Rank Ninjutsu known to many and used only by one. But still, even if the boy proved that he could perform a jutsu that could destroy an entire army in under a minute, that still didn't automatically mean that he was from another dimension.

The old Kage needed more concrete proof than that, even though it was still very impressive.

Hiruzen composed himself from the shock of seeing a legendary jutsu performed by a young boy, "While that was very impressive indeed my young friend, that still doesn't automatically prove you're from another dimension." He explained skeptically. "Forgive me for being skeptical but I need more concrete proof than the Hiraishin to even begin to consider what you're telling me."

Naruto nodded in understanding.

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