Truth p.4

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"I figured you would say that, that's why I brought a second proof — my heritage." He said, becoming serious, "My birth name is Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto," the Hokage's eyes widened even further after that declaration, and his mind was going into shock. "But in order to protect me from my father's enemies, my world's you, the Sandaime Hokage, placed my name as Uzumaki Naruto, taking my mother's maiden name. I am also the Jinchuriki of the Kyūbi no Kitsune, the strongest of the Bijū. You also passed a law that states that whoever brought up the Kyūbi incident and that the Jinchuriki of the Kyūbi was me, you'll have them executed without trial for high treason."

Hiruzen slumped further in his seat, mind racing furiously as the facts listed by the boy was irrefutable.

"And judging by your reaction," Naruto continued, smiling slightly, "I'm guessing Naruko-chan was treated the same way? But from what I saw, she's living a happy life."

Hiruzen just nodded as a small smile graced his old features. "Yes, she is." He said happily, "The villagers have finally let go of their old hatreds and welcomed her with open arms. That was not the case several years ago when animosity towards the Kyūbi was still high," The old man chuckled, "It was because of her determination and goodwill to others that many had finally begun to see her as a kind, innocent girl who wants nothing more than your acknowledgement and friendship."

Naruto briefly wondered if that could happen to him, when he was younger, but he just shrugged it off. No point living in the past.

Hiruzen sighed, rubbing his temples as he did. "I think I don't need any more proof than that..."

Naruto nodded. "If you want, I can get a blood test from the hospital if you still want confirmation."

"No need, but it'll help with official documentation." Hiruzen replied, a thoughtful look on his wizened features. "From what I can tell the Hiraishin can only be used by Minato alone or one of his blood relatives, so that was all the proof I need." He stated, and he physically relaxed, drained physically and mentally from the events during the past few minutes. "I'm getting too old for this shit..."

"Well I'll be damned," Naruto said with a laugh. "Sarutobi Hiruzen finally admitted he's old!"

Hiruzen, despite the weariness, laughed along, albeit wearily. "You're just like Naruko-chan, always the troublemaker." He commented, earning him a cheeky grin from the blonde, which slowly turned into a sad smile. "Naruto?"

Suddenly, he was tackled by the young boy in a hug, and the old Kage slowly hugged him back. Despite meeting with Naruto only a few minutes ago, he already felt a sense of familiarity with the blonde, like how he felt with Naruko. Hiruzen smiled sadly as he felt the young boy tremble and shake in his hold, holding the old man in a strong grip, as if the boy was afraid he would disappear if he did.

Naruto sniffed as tears fell from his eyes. "This may sound weird since you've only just met me a few minutes ago," he said, voice cracking from the emotion. "But I've missed you terribly, Jiji ..."

Hiruzen just smiled sadly, "I know..."

Despite not knowing his counterpart, the Sandaime could safely assume that the other him and Naruto had grown very close, much like how Hiruzen himself and Naruko were now. Even now, he already considered the boy as one of his own grandchildren, even if he had known him for only a few minutes.

A sudden thought broke Hiruzen out of his stupor as he spoke, "Naruto," the boy pulled back from the hug, "What do you mean by 'until you were thirteen'? Did something happen to me after you were thirteen?"

It was a valid question, because as far as he knew, Naruko was going thirteen this year and he himself was still quite spry for a man in his late 60s. What had happened, he couldn't help but wonder.

At his question, Naruto's mood became sorrowful and sad, and it broke the old Kage's heart. That was all the confirmation he needed know — he had seen that kind of look far too many times for his liking after the Second and Third Shinobi World Wars.

"I see," Hiruzen said, knowing full well what that expression meant. "Who did it?"

Naruto grimaced slightly. "What do you mean?"

Hiruzen gripped Naruto's shoulders tightly, forcing the boy to look up at him. "Who killed me, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto paused as he contemplated for second. If he told the Sandaime now about the events of the future, he could possibly tip off Black Zetsu and lose his Ace against Kaguya. But if he told only a select few of his plans, then it would be easier to control that information. But it would have to be a person that has his absolute trust — and the Sandaime was one of those people.

"Alright Jiji," Naruto started, voice deadly serious, "What I'm about to tell you must never leave this room. Period." At this, Hiruzen's eyes widened before nodding seriously, "This information could jeopardize the future of the Elemental Nations, and can only be told to a select few. Do you understand, Jiji?"

Hiruzen smiled. "Of course Naruto-kun,"

"Well if you break our pact I could just kill you." Naruto joked.

"You really believe that merely with the Hiraishin, you could take me on and kill me?" Hiruzen joked back with a challenging grin, which was mirrored by the young blonde moments later.

"You underestimate me Jiji," Naruto retorted, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a smirk. "I didn't become a shinobi without my 'particular set' of skills you know."

Hiruzen chuckled as he leaned forward. "And what would that be?"

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