The bell test p.6

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Naruto held his hand in a ram seal as he flared his chakra. "Sorry just doesn't cut it when you tried to violate my cute little sister's butt you pedophile!" he yelled out in absolute rage as he activated the multiple seals around the training ground as he continued, "No one touches my imōto and gets away with it, especially pedophiles like you . . ." on the outside he was furious, but on the inside, he was laughing at Kakashi's misfortune of gaining his ire. He held no ill will towards his favorite sensei, but he drew the line when it came to Naruko.

Sure, doing it on a boy was alright in his opinion, but on a girl? Now, Kakashi needed to learn what Naruko meant to Naruto as he inwardly smirked.

Naruko meanwhile was blushing a deep crimson at Naruto's protectiveness, and she couldn't help but feel happy at his concern for her wellbeing as she silently prayed to Kami for Kakashi to survive her brother's onslaught.

Kakashi's lone eye widened before he jumped away from the spot he was previously on when a seal formed underneath it and it exploded, sending dirt and soot all around as he leaped further away, only to trip another seal that he barely dodged out of the way as it exploded. Then the pattern repeated itself once again as Kakashi soon found out as he was dodging for his life as no matter where he landed, a hidden explosive seal was waiting for him, making him leap away to avoid getting blown to pieces. A few minutes later and deciding that he had enough, Kakashi reinforced his legs with chakra as he dashed across the clearing towards Naruto, who was still holding a ram seal in place. His move triggered all the seals in his path making a walking explosion in his wake before coming up to Naruto and aimed a jab at the boy's stomach since his eyes were closed in concentration to knock him unconscious.

Imagine the silver haired man's surprise when Naruto snapped his eyes open and caught his jab, tightening his grip painfully on the man's fist when Kakashi tried to pry his hand away. For a thirteen year old, Naruto's strength was impressive for his age and Kakashi was having doubts about this morning's test becoming boring as usual. Kakashi's lone eye made contact with Naruto's blue ones as the boy grinned, making Kakashi narrow his eye.

"Now, let's have fun, shall we sensei?" Naruto said, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Technique)"

Four Narutos came into existence as they fell upon the Jōnin; with Kakashi making a split second decision by aiming a kick at Naruto's legs, releasing his hand as Kakashi leap back only for two clones to be onto him again. He threw a few shuriken at the clones, and he was shocked once more when they caught the spinning stars by their middle rings, much like how he would have done if Sakura had thrown shurikens at him. (She was the weakest link after all)

Kakashi's brief period of shock was all the time the clones needed to knee him the stomach at the same time before grabbing him and throwing him backward. They weren't done yet however when one of the clones appeared underneath Kakashi and kicked the man into the air, followed by another as they coordinated their attacks in perfect sync. Kakashi tried to twist his body to roll out of their attack or perform a Kawarimi with a wooden log, but he found that he couldn't do both of those things and he was shocked once again.

"U!" a clone yelled as he kicked Kakashi into the air.

"ZU!" Another yelled as he followed the combo.

"MA!" another yelled.

"KI!" the fourth on yelled as he used both legs to propel Kakashi higher.

"Naruto Rendan! (Uzumaki Naruto Barrage)" the original Naruto yelled as he appeared above Kakashi and landed a heel drop onto the man's torso, sending him tumbling back down to earth with a painful thud. Naruto landed a few feet away from him, grinning from ear to ear as he shouted. "Sakura, now!"

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