The bell test p.5

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He was broken out of his thoughts when he sensed incoming projectiles heading his way. He side stepped them easily and the kunai sailed past him and impacted harmlessly into the ground. More kunais along with shuriken flew at him, making him drop his book back into his pouch and pull out a kunai to better deflect them as their numbers just kept on coming. The Jōnin blocked a few more of the thrown weapons before leaping away from the tree line, sensing Sakura was still in there waiting to attack.

This confused Kakashi. In the reports, Sakura's weapons proficiency was average at best, but the weapons thrown were definitely not average judging by the speed and accuracy in which they targeted specific areas of his body; arms, legs, torso, jugular, heart, eye and other vulnerable areas. He didn't have the time to think however when several of Naruko's shadow clones emerged from the forest and charged at him straight on, making his eyes widen in surprise and shock. How did he not sense her until she had showed herself? Had she learned to suppress her chakra?

Blocking a blow from one of the clones, Kakashi swiftly elbowed another behind him before backhanding another, making them dispel. He then followed up with a low sweeping kick that knocked a few of the clones down, making them dispel also. He turned and saw more clones coming his way and he back flipped away from them before charging in, with Naruko's clones yelling out an incoherent war cry before they engaged in and fought hand to hand. Kakashi easily dispatched the multiple shadow clones as he was seen lazily sidestepping their jabs, having already known their attack patterns, before hitting them with just enough force for them to disperse. A few minutes later, all the clones were gone, leaving Kakashi alone with the original.

Kakashi turned to see the real Naruko standing in front of him, kunai in hand in a ready stance, violet eyes alert for any movement from him. Kakashi couldn't help but she the remarkable resemblance of Kushina in Naruko, and he couldn't help but smile inwardly. She was going to go far.

"Well, you're sure are full of surprises blondie," Kakashi drawled out lazily, "but it takes more than that to take these bells." He taunted.

Naruko shrugged as she held up her kunai. "I'll take my chances." She replied smoothly.

Kakashi sighed before settling into his own taijutsu stance. "Well let me teach you something today." He said, making Naruko tense in preparation. "Lesson One: Taijutsu." He said before charging.

Naruko grunted as she blocked a blow aimed for her solar plexus, before she barely dodged another that was aimed for her chest. Naruko was immediately on the defensive as she was pushed back and back, blocking and deflecting the experienced Jōnin's fast strikes. Seeing an opening, she tried for a punch at his face, only for it be to caught before Kakashi used her momentum to throw her forward behind him, causing her to be briefly lifted into the air and thrown like a rag doll. Her short stature didn't help too since it made it easier for her to be thrown.

In mid throw, Naruko quickly twisted her body around while slashing at him with her kunai, making Kakashi duck under it while completely throwing her away, which she twisted her body once more to throw two kunai at him, and since he was too close to leap away, Kakashi just angled his body so that the knives just sailed harmlessly by. He was impressed by the way she utilized her situation to her advantage, along with her flexibility and precision in which she had thrown her weapons in midair while she had been thrown. Not many kunoichi, let alone Genin can do that.

Pushing herself to stand, Naruko panted a bit as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. This man was no joke. Not even probing with her Kage Bunshin had prepared her for actually fighting him. He was very obviously way out of her league.

Still, Naruko remained calm as she took her taijutsu stance. She needed to conserve her kunai since she had used up a lot of them in the beginning along with Sakura who was still waiting for her opportunity to strike. She knew she couldn't beat Kakashi, not by a long shot. But, she reminded herself, Naruko only needed to keep the Jōnin distracted long enough for their plan to actually work . . .

"You should pay more attention to your opponent." drawled the voice of Kakashi.

She was broken out of her thoughts when Kakashi was on to her again as she blocked a blow aimed for her stomach before blocking another aimed at her ribs. She twisted out of another blow before lashing out with a kick at the man's shin, which he easily evaded. Naruko grunted as Kakashi was starting to get hits in on her body, crying out slightly when a glancing blow to her face almost connected his fist with her jaw if not for her timely back roll away from the Jōnin. Damn, even if she was a girl, the man hits hard.

Finally finding an apparent opening, Naruko immediately lashed out with a punch at the man . . . only to hit air as she stumbled forward a little.

"What?" she said softly to herself as she looked around, trying to find where her sensei was at. Her sensing ability was disrupted thanks to Kakashi flooding the clearing with his residue chakra, making it harder to locate him. Naruko was about to drop out of her taijutsu stance when she heard Sakura cry out to her from her hidden position in the forest near the clearing, face pale and eyes wide with fear.

"Naruko! Get out of there! He's going to use a Fire Jutsu on you!" Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs, making Naruko's eyes widen in surprise before she looked behind her to see Kakashi smiling at her with his eye smile and his hand in a tiger seal, kneeling behind her.

Kakashi eye smiled. "You should pay more attention to your surroundings . . ." he lectured as he called out his apparent 'jutsu', "Konohagakure Hiden Taijutsu Ōgi –" Naruko's face paled a few shades of white as she tried to struggle away from Kakashi, already knowing what he was about to do, "Sennen Goroshi! (Konohagakure Hiden Secret Taijutsu Technique: One Thousand Years of Death)" he finished as he thrusted his hands up in a stabbing motion aimed at her rear.

"Don't you dare ero-sensei!" Naruko screamed out in fear of her rear being violated as she closed her eyes for the inevitable pain . . .

Suddenly, before the embarrassing technique could connect, Kakashi's danger senses went haywire as he stopped halfway before immediately leaning his head back to dodge a kunai that was thrown at his head, sparing Naruko from the embarrassment. Kakashi had only seconds to come to his senses before an unexpected, earth-shattering punch connected to the side his face, sending him flying to the side painfully.

Kakashi groaned a bit as he nursed his bruised cheek as he felt some of his cheekbones might have cracked from the impact; it was like getting hit by a condensed version of a stampede all in a single punch. Kakashi quickly got up and what he saw made him flinch back as a huge wave of killing intent slammed into him.

Opening her eyes as the pain never came; Naruko looked behind her and she gasped in shock to see Naruto standing there, his face a calm neutral façade as he stared directly at Kakashi, but she knew the telltale signs of her brother being absolutely livid. The slight tensing of his muscles, the clenching of his fists, the trembling of his frame and his eyes . . . those beautiful cerulean blues were now an arctic icy blue, as the blonde young man glared menacingly at their sensei.

Sakura was also gaping in shock. Naruto was too fast for her eye to follow. One minute Kakashi was about to connect his fingers to Naruko's rear, the next Kakashi was stumbling on the ground with an absolutely pissed looking Naruto standing protectively in front of his sister.

Naruto gritted his teeth. "Kakashi-sensei . . ." he growled out, "What exactly are you planning to do to my imōto?" he asked in a grave tone that promised pain if the wrong answer was given.

Kakashi had the decency to rub the back of his head sheepishly as he chuckled nervously, knowing that he had unknowingly kicked the hornet's nest. "Eh heh, sorry?" he said lamely.

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