Chapter 20

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The morning came so quick with first thing I hear in the morning is my alarm. I hate Mondays they aren't fun at all. I got up to get ready for school. I remember last night. Maybe I should put more makeup on so Drew could tell me he loves. I mean he did say I was beautiful but am I enough for him to not love me back?

When I got ready I applied more makeup, I think I'm running out of clothes maybe I should go shopping again. I look at my little box to see how much money I've saved. It's not much but it should be enough to get me just a few more new clothes.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before I leave. I should probably be good enough for today. I leave my room a whole mess from all the clothes I was trying on. I head downstairs and my mother as always is in the kitchen.

"Hey mom I'm heading to school, bye." I tell her.

"Hey wait up, Breakfast?"

"I'm okay."

"Hey what with all of this?" She ask me.

"What's with all of what?" She came close to me.

"All this makeup what for?"

"It's not too much I just applied something that's all and I don't have too much." I tell her.

"You're whole face is covered with makeup and why?" She ask.

"It's not, and I'm done I'm heading to school." I say and just before I turned Drew walks in our house.

"Drew tell her she's wearing a lot of makeup isn't she?" My mom ask Drew.

This is so awkward right now. I never thought I'd be in a situation like this. I noticed Drew seems nervous as he looks at me. I wonder if finds me attractive enough today to say he loves me at least.

"You only heading to school?" Drew ask me.

"See too much go upstairs and take all of this off okay?" She ask.

"I can't believe this." I turned around to head upstairs. I'll just do it at school again it's whatever.

"I'll be right back, I'm heading to Daniels room." I hear Drew tells my mom. He ran upstairs to me. I feel our hand our held together. I hold his hand also and pulled him into my bedroom with me.

"Kiss?" I asked him.


"Is something wrong?" Drew grabs my makeup remover wipes and wipe my lips.

"I appreciate the gesture but you don't have to do all that to impress." He said. He wipes out the whole lipstick that's on my lips. He takes other one wipe my eyelid then my cheeks and forehead. My face was completely bare now.

"I like it like this." He says. I checked my face in the mirror it's completely how I started this morning.

"Hey here." Drew grabbed my lip gloss and put some on my lips.

"Look how beautiful you are?" I end up giggling at what he said. His such a tease.


I feel him coming down closer to me he kissed me softly it felt good. I didn't think I'd get to even be able to get a kiss from him this morning.

"I should go." He tries to turn and leave. I hold his hand one more time. I go in for a hug. Just his arm around me feels good enough. I wished he'd tell me he loves me too. I want to be around him more than ever now. Drew's been the only thing in mind and every time I think about him a smile appeared on my face.

"I love you." I say to him. He pulled away real quick then he just smiled.

"I should get going, I can't be in your bedroom for too long." He kissed me on the cheeks than leave.

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