Chapter 41

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It's Saturday night at my birthday party. I had ran outside to find Drew who just received a phone call. I ran to the backyard and find Chris and Daniel still sitting there and just talking. Drew is not there. I ran to the driveway instead. Maybe his there. 

"Drew?" I called him slowly walking towards him. His not looking too good by the look his giving me.

"Why are you not inside right now, go back to your party."

"The party can wait, please tell me what's going on?"
I get closer to him again. He looks like his ready to burst into tears.

"Go back inside Jade," He tells me. I wished he'd let me in everything.

"Drew please tell me I'm here for you. Right now I care and I'm concern about you, please tell me what's going?"

He continued to stay silent looking away instead of looking at me in the eyes.

". . . She's gone Jade. My grandmother." Drew finally burst the tears his holding back. Everything in me is shaken. I wasn't expecting to hear this news not right now, and not this soon I had hoped. Drew lean against me putting his head onto my shoulder.

"Drew I'm so sorry."

"I just saw her this morning, she normally hates goodbyes but this morning. . . She finally said goodbye to me. I should of known something else was wrong."

This is the most heart broken thing I ever heard today. It really sucks it really came to this.

"I heard the news." Linda came running towards us outside.

". . . Mom?" Drew lift his head up from me to look at her.

"She knew didn't she?" Linda asked Drew. Drew shakes his head saying yes. This is so sad I'm almost in tears myself.

"I'll drive you guys there, I think you might need it." I turned around to see Daniel who said that.

"We really should go there," Linda says.

"Okay," Drew answered. Drew and his mom start making their way to Daniel's car. I feel like I shouldn't let him go without me.

"Jade, you should really stay." Daniel says.

"No, I'm coming with him."

"I'll take care of it. It's your party if you leave now people will wonder," Daniel says. I don't really care about what people think right now. I care about Drew right now. His not okay at all and this worries me. I shouldn't let him go by himself.

"I'll be alright." Drew says turning around to give me a hug before he leave me here.

"Let me come with you," I whispered to him.

"It's better to stay," Drew says then kissed my cheeks. He then got inside the car. I'm really hurt seeing him like this.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him." Daniel pats my shoulder getting into his car leaving me. I wanted to be by his side. I know how much Drew and his grandmother gotten closer the past few months. He practically visited her every day. Last time I was there with him he got mad because she kept mentioning she didn't have much time left.

Daniel had left with them. I'm left alone in the driveway.

"Hey?" I turned around to Lizzie who walked behind me.

"Drew, he left," I tell her.

"I know, I saw it. I think he'll be okay but why don't you come back inside. It's getting cold."

I felt the cold but it didn't really bother me. It was Drew I'm worried about right now. Lizzie pulled me in to go back inside.

As soon as I walked in I notice my mom does not have a good look on her face since she saw me running out. I see she's coming my way. The truth is I don't even care if she yells or says anything to me right now.

"Where did you go?" She asked me.

". . . To Drew."

"Drew, Drew, Drew, Drew will you just stop it, don't you get it? I'm trying my best to give you a stable future. You won't let me because of Drew. His got nothing okay you hear me? Nothing."

I have to try to hold it in front of all these people.

"You're the worst," I tell her before I ran upstairs.

"Jade," I heard Lizzie called me following me upstairs. I walked in my room closing the door behind me.

I know I said I'm going to hold it in but why do I want to cry. I start seeing blurry because my tears have covered my eyes. Those tears I was holding in finally came out.

"Jade?" I hear Lizzie. She had opened the behind me.

"Lizzie please help me, take me to him?" I ask her. I might be asking her for too much but I can't help it. Those tears I don't think they going away anytime soon. Lizzie didn't say anything at first instead she just hugs me.

"Jade I can't, Daniel got this. His going to take care of him."

She let go of me and I feel like I can't do anything other just sit down somewhere. I flop myself on the bed. I wished she'd listened to me.

"I know his not okay. He only wanted to spend more time with his grandmother," I tell her.

Lizzie sigh, she didn't say anything after what I told her. She came and sat next to me instead. I was trying not to think about it but why does it hurt so much the way my mom talked about Drew. It just hurt so much.

"He won't be okay for a while but you can just be there for him like you been doing," Lizzie finally said something after a while. I was wiping my tears with my arms when Lizzie hand me a couple of tissue papers.

Gosh I probably look like a mess from all this crying my makeup is probably ruined.

"I think you should lay down, and please don't cry all night. You're going to get a headache."

I did what she told me to do. I feel terrible for not knowing if his crying still or what his feeling right now. I still feel the urge I should of gone with him. Maybe I should of fought harder for him to let me go with him.

"Jade?" Lizzie called me.

"Yes," I answered her.

". . . Um never mind. I'll be right back," she says.

She sounded like she's up to something. I just know it. I tried not to let it bother me too much.

A few hours later, I didn't go downstairs again to see no guest that came to my party. I just didn't bother going. The feelings of seeing my mom again didn't sit right with me not the way she talked about Drew. At this point I don't care anymore what she thinks. She can continue to do whatever she wants. I'm not going to listen to any of the things she keeps saying. I'm just so sick of it.


author: Hey y'all, thanks for being so patient and I know it's like like been 2 months since I last updated. I appreciate y'all for voting and commenting. Reading what you guys think about the characters in the this story always makes me smile. I will be updating more often now and a lot more drama awaits.


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