Chapter 38

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I got to my house with Drew while we hold hand together. The smell of foods immediately came on to my face. I look over and saw my mom had so much food prepared on the dinning table. I looked at Drew hoping I'm not the only one seeing this.

"Mom you made a feast?" I asked shocked seeing all this food. I noticed Violet is in the kitchen also helping my mom out. I didn't expect this actually.

"Happy early birthday!" My mom threw a bunch of glittery confetti at me. One of them even got in my mouth. What is even this surprise it's crazy. I look at Drew his whole shirt is filled with confetti also. His tall enough it didn't get on his face but for me it got all over my my head.

"I mean thank you. This is such a surprise. I totally wasn't expecting this. Thanks mom." I went and gave her a hug. It's really nice of her to do this.

"Drew thank you for coming," my mom tell Drew.

"Thank you for inviting me," Drew says.

"oh and I tried getting Lizzie to come she couldn't make it. She said she's doing something for her mom."

"I thought the party was tomorrow?"

"It is, this is just a pre little birthday party. I figured you deserve it."

"Thanks again."

I looked over at Violet she haven't said anything at all while she's standing there. I mean I know she's still mad at me but I thought she'd get over it by the now.

"Boys come tell your sister happy birthday," I noticed Chris and Daniel are sitting on the couch watching a basketball game on the TV.

"Happy birthday." They both said it at the same time not even looking at me they eyes are on the screen.

"Excuse me this is a dinner party not basketball time." My mom walked over and turn the tv over.

"Mom this is important," Daniel says.

"This is important, come dinner time," my mom says.

"Her birthday is not even today, it's tomorrow. Mom 5 more minute please," Daniel says.

"No come on, you also said 5 more minutes 40 minutes ago."

After that I noticed Bert coming out of his room.

"Hi Jade, Happy birthday."

"Thanks." I know it still feel a bit weird around him but I'm really trying my hardest to get use to him. After I think he may be the one that kept convincing my mom for me to date Drew.

"Oh hi Drew nice seeing you," Bert greeted him.

"Hi, Mr. Miller, nice seeing you too," Drew says. I noticed Drew seems a bit nervous for second there I'm not exactly sure why but I hold on to his hand maybe he'll feel better.

"Hey, hey, hey keep your hands to yourself. This is a family dinner don't make it weird," Daniel got in between of us separating our hands. I swear he might just be the most annoying person here tonight.

"Mom, those garlic knots are amazing," Chris says. My mom had slap Chris hands away from getting another one.

"Don't eat yet, that's rude."

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