Chapter 40

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It was late in the afternoon. I'm in this pretty white dress that Lizzie had helped me in. My hair and makeup is already done for my birthday. Guess are starting to show up and I'm waiting for Drew and still haven't showed up ever since he left with Daniel this morning.

"You look worried," Lizzie says.

"I'm sorry, I'm still waiting for him."

"Why did they leave anyway?" Lizzie asked.

"Daniel didn't want to go back inside because Chris and him got into trouble this morning."

"What kind of trouble did they get into?"

"Well it's been a mess between them one dropped out of college and the one got a girl pregnant and for someone they got into a fight."

"Did Daniel get a girl pregnant?" Lizzie asked me like she's really worried this time.

"No, Chris did. Daniel dropped out of college to become a mechanic instead."

"Thank god for hearing it's not him. I mean it's not a totally loss his doing something else with his life. Why is this a problem?" Lizzie asked.

"It's really not, it's my mom. She's not really going to except the fact that he dropped out completely."

"She'll get over it," Lizzie says.

I noticed something else is off here. A couple of guest had come in and I have no idea who these people are.

"Do you know these people?" I asked Lizzie.

"Never seen them," she respond.

"Why is there strangers at my birthday party?" I remember I only asked my mom to bring a couple of people we know. I don't remember asking her to bring other people other wise it will be uncomfortable. I noticed my mom had walked over to them to greet them like she knows them.

"I think they are you're mom's guest," Lizzie says.

Well this isn't any good and the party had just started. I wished she would of told me they were coming.

"Um is this who I think it is?" I asked Lizzie. My eyes can't believe who I'm seeing in front of me.

"Yeah." Lizzie says. I look in front of my door the person who's walking in is Seth. What in the world is he doing here?

I looked to the other side I see my mom greeting the people I think she invited. She's the only one that seems to know them.

"Come meet my daughter, this is Jade right over there."
I can't believe this right now. They are really walking towards me. I tried my best to put on a smile for my mom's guest.

"Hello Jade, I'm Shannon and this is my husband Kenneth, it's very nice to meet you." The woman who just introduced herself to me says. I'm very confused to why I'm meeting them but I try my best to keep the smile going.

"Nice meeting you all," I tell them.

"Jade, these are my friends," my mom says.

I wished she would of tell me she invited her friends.

"Did Seth come along too?" My mom asked.

"Oh yeah his right over there." The lady named Shannon who just introduced herself to me points at Seth I know from school. Seth walks over to them when she points at him. This is a little embarrassing I sure didn't think these were Seths parents.

"This is my son Seth. I heard you two go to the same school." Shannon says.

I looked at Lizzie for help but she seems as shocked as I am. This can't be good. I just know it.

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