Chapter 30

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"I made breakfast, hopefully it will make you feel like your home," Lizzie says as I walk downstairs from her bedroom. I stayed at her place last night after what happened last night at my house. I haven't received any calls from no one from my house.

"Did your mom leave already?" I asked Lizzie.

"Never been late to meet with her clients."

Sometimes I do feel bad for Lizzie. Her mom never really stayed home with Lizzie. She always has to go to work even on weekends sometimes.

"Do you want water, orange juice or coffee?" Lizzie ask me.

"I'll stick with water," I tell her.

"I also have um. . . pineapple juice, want some? I know you want some." Lizzie goofing around, poking my elbows, winking at me.

"Stop it's useless, Drew and I don't even do anything anyway." I roll my eyes out.

"He will soon drink some." She put the bottle on my mouth forcing me to drink it.

"Oh my god, you almost chocked me."

"That's good, you're learning so much. You'll be able to handle chocking way better with Drew." Lizzie puts the juice down.

"Oh my god, you are so dirty."

"So are you, I mean we both had the experience. I just want another with your brother."

"Ew ew ew ew, I don't want to hear this." I covered my ears.

"I made you breakfast, eat some. I know your mom always makes you guys breakfast."

"I don't want to think about my mom right now."

"Eat some, I had to cook this morning and tell me if it's good," She says. I look at the bowl of cereal in front of me. It baffled me that she said she cooked. I'm not even going argue with her actually.

I took a spoon and milk into my mouth. Lizzie looks at me like she's waiting to hear something from me.

"Done," I tell her.

"You psst me off, go back upstairs watch tv or something."

Was I suppose to tell her the cereal she made me is delicious. It's literally milk and cereal from a box.

"Oh he-" Before I could finish that sentence Lizzie's doorbell had runged.

"If they come for me, tell them I'm not here." I tried running upstairs but Lizzie hold on to me. Lizzie suddenly grabbed a baseball bat.

"Grab a baseball bat too."

"Why do you have so many bats." I tell her.

"I'm usually here alone. Duh." She says. She looks at the window to see who it is.

"Oh it's just Bert. Never mind." She puts her bat down to open the door.


Why is Bert here?

"Hey girls. I figured this was the first place I should check to find you. I'm sorry about last night Jade."

I am actually still very confused about what's happening right now. Lizzie suddenly poke me on the side giving me signals to say something. I don't even know what to say actually.

"Uh," is what came out of my mouth. This is actually a bit weird and awkward.

"Oh my goodness, Mr. Miller, it is lovely to see you here. I bet Jade is really happy to see you too!" Lizzie pushed me towards Bert.

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