Chapter 21

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Later that after school I got a text message from Drew that his outside right now waiting for me. I got all excited and run outside. I noticed Lizzie on the way as I'm heading over to him.

"Hey Um mind telling me where you going?"

"Drew is waiting for me outside, wait for me in your car just for a second." I tell Lizzie and ran out.

I looked around the parking lot trying to look for his car then I finally noticed him outside his car waiting for me. I hurried and went for a hug it's really felt long and I already saw him this morning.

"I didn't expect to see you coming here like this it's strange." I tell him.

"Surprise." Drew says and kissed my lips. It's really sweet of him to come after school to see me. I wish he could drop me home though.

"Can we go do something, please?" I ask him.

"Fine what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I always wanted to this with my boyfriend, let's just hang out the after like let's go bowling, let's go to arcade we just have fun hanging out all afternoon with you only."

"Alright." Drew says.

"Come on, we could just go have fun together and just have a and wait. . . . Did you just say alright as yes?"

"Yes." Drew says. I can't believe this, his actually agreeing to do this with me.

"Um okay then let's go." I tell Drew.

"Hold on let me call Lizzie and tell her to go without me."

"Okay" Drew says and kissed my lips again. I turned around to go talk to Lizzie in the corner. I'm really excited about this and I really hope nothing happens to us.

"What is it?" Lizzie ask me as soon as she picks up the phone.

"Hey Liz, so can you go home without me, Drew and I are going somewhere."

"And what am I suppose to tell your family if they ask me for you?"

"Tell them I stayed after school for help."

"Okay, just don't get into trouble okay?"

"I won't." I tell her and we both hang up. I turned and walk over to Drew's car again. I noticed Seth is walking towards me. I really hope he doesn't come and talk to me. I hurried and walk towards Drew's car before he could come talk to me.

"Hi there friend?" Seth say. I immediately am regretting I knew this kid.

"Can I help you?" I ask him.

"Just saying hi, I always like saying hi to you, when will you except me?" Seth says and grabbed my hand. I heard Drew's close his car door behind me. I turned around and notice his walking towards me.

"You have a problem?" Drew ask Seth and take my hand away from him.

"Don't worry about us, this is my friend here Jade, we know each other. We've been friends." Seth try to pull my hand hand again. Drew pushed Seth's hands so hard he end up hitting himself with his own hands. I have honestly never seen Drew this aggressive before.

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