Chapter 54

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By the I arrived to Lizzie's bedroom. She's already packing about 3 luggages. I can't believe she's leaving so soon. And by the time she comes back late August she'll be getting ready to leave again for college.

"Why are you packing so much?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna be gone for a while, three luggage is not enough. I can guarantee you by the time I get to Hawaii, I'm gonna forget something."

"I can see that happening."

"Are you sure you still don't want to come with us?"

"I told you go have fun with your mom." I tell her.

"I will but I wish you could come too, I mean you could, you just have to say yes." she says.

"No but bring me a souvenir from Hawaii."

"Alright fine,"

"Hey Lizzie are you done?" Her mom walked in the room.

"Yeah, I'm done." She says.

"Daniel helped me brought my bags to the car, he want to help you too," She tells Lizzie.

How nice of Daniel and I'm feeling very suspicious.

"Daniel?" Lizzie asked and he walked in to Lizzie's room.

"I came to help out a little," Daniel smiled.

Okay what's going on with him? What is he trying gain from this. I looked over at Lizzie, I know it's a little awkward with what happened between them. They stopped to stare at each other in silence for a moment.

"So uh I'll get to it," Drew says and grabbed two of Lizzie's luggage.

Right before he left the bedroom, Lizzie shrugs her shoulders almost like she's asking me what's going.

"If I ever need a favor at home while being away, so hold on to this." Lizzie gave me a blue stick notes with a 6 digits on it.

"What's this?" I ask her.

"The code to the front door?" She says. I can't believe she's trusting me with her whole house.

"Alright fine," I tell her. She spread her arms wide open for me to come give her a hug. I take the hug she wants to give me and wrap my arms around her.

"You're acting like you're going away forever." I tell her. I don't want her to regret this trip. She's suppose to go.

"When I come back, I'm only gonna have a couple days before I leave again for school."

"Which means I'll get to hang out with you for a couple more days," I hugged her tight. I'm actually really going to miss her. I don't think we have ever been far apart for this long.


By the time we get downstairs, Daniel was putting the last luggage in the car. He turned around landing his eyes on us.

"Hey Daniel, thank you so much." Lizzie's mom says. I still want to know why his being so nice.

"Anytime." He smiled.

"Thanks Daniel," Lizzie tell him before she starts walking towards the car.

"Hey Lizzie." Daniel called her right away.


". . . Sorry never mind, enjoy your trip." He says. He wasted her time just to say that.

"Thanks," Lizzie says and get in the car. Daniel and I watch the car take off together. I took a moment to look at him because I'm trying to figure out what is going inside his mind.

"What?" He asked me staring at him. I took a moment to stare at him again.

"What's your deal?" I ask him.

"What do you mean what's my deal?"

"I just need to know."

"As of right now you being a pain in the ass." He starts walking towards our house. I followed him inside.

"Why you being so nice to her?"

"I'm always nice," He says.

This is the biggest lie I've ever heard.

"Oh Lizzie's gone?" Drew asked us as we walked into the house. He looks at Daniel and kept laughing to himself. It seems like he was waiting for Daniel to walk in.

"How would I know?" Daniel says. God why is he being such a liar.

"I don't know, you kind of . . . uh disappeared on me there when I told you she was leaving," Drew looks at Daniel laughing.

"I didn't I just went outside for a bit, anyway does anyone want a burger, I'm ordering takeout."

"I'll take one, add bacon and for drink lemonade juice." Violet says sitting in living room with a book in her hand.

"I'll take one too and no pickles." Chris says walking down the stairs.

"Me too, add a soda for drink." I tell him.

"Yeah same, with fries," Drew says.

"Go fuck yourselves! Who do you think I am? Oprah?"

Daniel turned around to leave at the front door slamming it with a big bang.

"Didn't he just asked us if we wanted food?" Violet asked.

"It's just Daniel." Chris sigh.

"Oh I almost forgot, I'm putting everyone in a group chat including Daniel because I only want to send it once." Chris takes his phone out and start texting. A few moments later our phones starts receiving messages.

"Uh what is this?" Violet ask him.

"It's your invite and the baby registry, we're having a baby shower." Chris says.

"Aw that's so cute," I tell him.

"Oh since you think so, you're gonna come and help me blow a lot of pink balloons."

I never actually been to a baby shower before, it's going to be cute decorating with Chris.

"And Daniel just left the group chat," Chris says.

I'm actually not even surprise that he would do that.

The front door came opened and when I turned around I see Bert holding pizza boxes in his hands. I looked over at Chris and Violet instead of saying anything they just smiled seeing Bert walking in.

"So uh pizza?" Bert asked us unsure what to do with all of staring at him.

"You shouldn't of," Violet says.

"Thank you," Chris walked over and take the pizza boxes from him. Just when Daniel didn't want to buy us all burgers.

We all followed Chris to the island where he opens both pizza boxes.

"Save some for Daniel." Bert says.

"He can go fuck himself," Chris says. I look over Bert who seems unsure about what Chris just mentioned.

"He don't mean that," Violet smiled at Bert.

I take a seat right next to Drew on the island and grab myself a slice of cheese.

"Babe no try this one." Drew makes me take a bite out of the pizza he was eating. It has different toppings on it and definitely a lot more meat.

"It's good," I tell him. For a moment my instinct keeps telling me that someone is staring me. When I turned around to look them, it's Violet. She gave me this awkward smile when I caught her staring at me and Drew.

Why was she staring at us so much?


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