Chapter 63

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The next day, I'm getting ready in my bridal suite with Lizzie, Alicia and Rosie and friend name Kelly she brought that will do our makeup. Guest are starting to arrive and my mind is all sorts of places. The day is actually here, who would of thought that I, Jade would be getting married to Andrew Williams my childhood crush. It still feels like a dream and this is why I wanted to be in a princess gown to live this magical fairytale. It feels like still I'm dreaming, I know this real and maybe that's why I'm still a little bit nervous but I'm feeling a lot better now that I know Bert will walk me down the aisle.

"Tell me how you want it?"  Rosie's friend name Kelly just asked me. She's an expert.

"Something light, natural. No heavy eyeliner, or eye shadow. Keep it simple." I tell her. I know Drew finds me most attractive when I don't do these crazy heavy makeup, and I don't think I want it too on my big day.

That's when I hear a big knock came through my door. Lizzie got up and starts walk towards the door.

"You're the only visitor who's not allowed in this room." Lizzie says closing the door behind her.

"Just let me see her for a second." I hear Drew's voice.

I'm dying to see him too and I haven't seen him since yesterday. I want to see him in his suit. This morning he texted me first thing in the morning, 'I love you' and it's is torture. 

"Look at you smiling, you can't wait to him too." Alicia tells me.

"I really can't," I tell them.

"I want what they have." Kelly who's doing my makeup says.

"I'm allowed right?" I hear Daniel's voice.

"Fine," Lizzie says and open the door back to let Daniel in.

"Bye Drew." Lizzie says leaving Drew out instead of letting him in to see him. He shouldn't of come here now I'm missing him even more.

"I feel like today should really be my day, I'm older and I don't understand why you getting married before me," Daniel says.

"You're unattractive?" I tell him.

"Unattractive? Your brother could get it. Are you single?" Kelly ask Daniel eyeing him from head to toe.

"Uh no," Lizzie says grabbing Daniel's arms.

"My bad," Kelly says seeing how protective Lizzie just got.

"I wanted to give you this," Daniel says placing a flat jewelry box in front of me. This might of cost so much. 

"Daniel what is it?" I ask him.

"Open it," he says. Once I did I immediately saw a sparkling diamond bracelet. All the girls in the room gasp as soon as they see it.

"Daniel this is the nicest thing you ever done for me."


This is one of the nicest thing ever. It's so pretty, it's so sparkling.

"Yes thank you, thank you so much." I tell him.

"You're welcome, put it on." Daniel says.

"I will," I grabbed it to put it on but Daniel took it and put it on my wrist for me instead.

"Thanks Daniel."

"I know the oldest is taken by Rosie but Jade do you have anymore of those hot unattractive brothers." Kelly ask me.

"Uh no," I tell her. Thank god I didn't, I can't imagine having anymore than this.

"That's too bad," Kelly says.

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