Chapter 59

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The next morning by the time I'm awake I see Drew already getting ready to get to work. I checked the window and it's still slightly dark outside. I watch him put on his tie in a hurry. He grabs his work bag and started looking for something then stopped when he noticed I'm awake.

"Morning," I tell him.

"Morning," he comes over and sit on the bed. He then kissed me on my forehead.

"Your tie is crocked," I sit up to fix it for him.

"Thank you," He said after I was done.

"You're welcome," I tell him before he came and bite my nose playfully.

"Dr.Williams I think it's time you head out now."

"You're right, I should leave but your so darn adorable this morning," I sit up closer and kiss his cheeks this time. I went back to lay down again. It's the weekend and I don't have to go to work which is a good thing because I'm feeling so damn tired. Drew stand up and grab his work bag. Instead of making his way out, he came back to me and kissed my cheeks twice.

"Bye," He says then he went the blanket that covered me and lift my shirt up revealing my stomach and kissed it twice also.

"Goodbye mini bagel." He says to my belly. I laughed at what calls the baby,  the bagels I can't stop eating.

"I'll see you soon." He turns to leave.

I went cover myself with the blanket again and went back to sleep. Normally I would probably get up right now and try to do something but today I'm darn sleepy this morning.


By the time I'm awake my phone started ringing none stop. When I look out the window, it's bright and sunny outside. It's probably midday already. God I've been asleep for that long. I grabbed my phone see it's Drew calling me.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Are you still asleep?" He asked me. I guess my voice gave it away.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"It's 10:54 almost 11."


God I'm the worst but I have to admit that was a good nap. I hear him laugh at the end of the line.

"Jade, I have a huge problem right now and I think your the only one that could save me." Drew says.

I'm worried now. I sit up right away.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you check in the study room to see if I have a big white envelope on my desk."

"Sure," I got up from the bed. I slide the bookshelf and look at Drew's desk. And right there it's the envelope he just mentioned.

"I see it," I tell him.

"Thank god, now I really need you to bring it over to me."

"Okay." I tell him.

"Call me when you get there, I might take a while I'll come get it outside." Drew says.


"Thank you, I'll see you soon." He said and hang up. Now that I think about it, I think that's what he was looking for before he got distracted and came over to kiss me.

I went and got ready to go outside.

By the time I arrived at the hospital, I had called Drew to tell him I'm almost there. He told me he'd be outside by the time arrive but yet. I looked around more before getting out of my car and that's when I see him in his navy blue scrubs with his white doctor lab coat walking outside with another girl.

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