Chapter 36

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The next day I woke up super early hoping to see Daniel before he goes off to work. I think he purposely wake up early so he doesn't have to tell my mom where his going all the time. I had looked underneath his door and the lights were on. It's still 5 in the morning his up way too damn early. I really hope I can talked him into talking with Drew again.

A few moments later his door had opened. I waited for him on the staircase.

"Morning!" I waved at him turning on the light in the hallway. He jumped seeing me.

"Why would you do this?" Daniel says. I know he was scared just moment ago seeing me this early. Today he definitely wasn't expecting this. I noticed something different about him though. He dressed like his going to the gym or something.

"So um off to work," I asked him.

"Shut up and none of your business, now move."

"Make me."

"Jade I swear to god I have to be somewhere right now."

"So do I but you don't see me getting me mad?"

I look at Daniel he took a deep breath then look at me again.

"Alright fine what is it what do you want?"

"Well you know how it's my birthday tomorrow." I smiled and Daniel had no reaction from what I just told him.

"Okay well anyway, I was just hoping you'd go talk to Drew this morning that's all consider it as a birthday gift. If you still won't I will be using my 18 birthday wish on you two to go back the way things were."

Daniel laughed a bit then just sigh. "Do you really like him that much?"

"Yes, yes I do," I answered his question. He suddenly looks annoyed with my answer I just gave him.

"Move." Daniel pushed me to side and decides to walked downstairs instead of continuing our conversation. I don't know why his mad again when he just asked me a question. I only answered his question. I just want them to be friends again why is this so hard for him to do?

I decided to go back to bed so I can get another 30 more minutes left before I start getting ready for school.

That 30 minutes was spent on my phone before and day dreaming about Drew. I decided to go get ready instead for school. I hope I see him this morning. My makeup is really cute this morning. I'm wearing my favorite pair of jean which is totally boosting my confidence this morning. I decided to let my hair down this morning I straighten it a bit. Gosh I just hope I see him soon. I just hope he can't resist me.

Thinking about it now I'm almost an adult soon. I just hope Drew keeps his promises. I look at myself in the mirror one last time before I head downstairs to go to school. Gosh, I'm feeling myself this morning. I can't help it.

Walking downstairs my mom as always she's there making food in the morning. She still haven't really want to talk to me about anything related to Drew. She avoids that subject with me which I totally don't mind.

"Morning," I greet her.

"Good morning, I made some omelette have some before you leave," she smiled putting the a plate on the island for me.

"Thank you," I sit down to eat. Did I also mentioned it's been a little awkward between my mom and I in this house. Yeah sure we talk but it's not the same vibe I use to get around her after what happened. I do hate that feeling. I try acting as normal as possible though.

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