Chapter 10

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That afternoon I went to Drew's house. I'm sitting in my room on the bed still crying my eyes out. I can't believe Drew did that to me. My eyes are still tearing up right now. I checked the time it's around 6 o'clock. I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey, Jade mom wants you downstairs for dinner." I hear Daniels's voice.

"I'm not hungry," I say to him. I end up sniffing a bit loud. Daniel opens up the door I thought I had locked.

"Are you crying?" Daniel walks into my room.

"No." I wipe my tears away.

"Who hurt you?"

"Nobody, just leave me alone." I turn around not facing Daniel throwing a blanket on top of me.

"Then why you crying?"
I feel Daniel got closer to me and sit on the edge of my bed.

"I'm not crying!"

"You not fooling anyone Jade, let me ask you though. Did you get like rejected by someone I mean I don't know if it's since you been dressing nicer lately?" Daniel poke me on the side.


"Then what is hurting you?"

I'm not responding or telling him anything. Daniel got closer to me and start tickling me.

"Stop!" I try pulling away from him and try not to laugh. I end up going on the end of my bed on the other side.

"There's the smile I was looking for, now what was bothering you," Daniel asks again.

"Nothing." I come over sit next to Daniel.

"Alright, if it's a boy that annoyed you or made you sad don't forget to tell him I'm here for you, and since you not telling me don't cry over boys. They all stupid just like I was well I'm still stupid." Daniel says and I end up giggling at it.

"For real, I skipped college and I still need to focus on what I'm going to do to make a living and I just been kinda lost. But really whoever this guy is his really dumb to not noticed you if you were rejected but you should know don't ever cry for a guy they all stupid. You're smarter than this. I'm the only person who's allowed to make you cry." Daniel got close to me and hug me.

It's so strange how Daniel can be so sweet sometimes. It's never strange when he being rude and arrogant which I'm very familiar with. I don't get this treatment as often from him so I hug him back.

"Thanks, Daniel."

"So it was a guy." Daniel looks down at me laughing to himself. "I knew it." He continued.

"No," I say.

"Now you wasted 10 minutes of my dinner time like I'm starving right now. Come downstairs or I'll eat yours." Daniel says and leaves slamming my door behind him.

"Here's the Daniel the terrible I knew."

I decided to go back to bed this time I'm actually going to sleep. My heart still feels a bit heavy and I don't feel like eating. I was so excited to go to him now I'm just in pain and humiliated right now. I'm done crying for now. Before I know it I was asleep.


The next morning, I hadn't received a text from Drew at all. I went downstairs and the smell of my mom's cooking is all in the air. Drew isn't around at all this morning it's just Chris and my stepdad Bert.

"Where is everybody?" I ask them.

"I don't know." Chris answer.

"Jade, you eating?" She asks me.

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