|| Langa x Reki || Hotel ||

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Langa's POV

The coffee and dish arrived relatively quickly, set down on his table with a thump as the waiter hurried to the other tables. The light blue haired male was planning to meet with Reki here, but the other was seemingly late. 

Restaurants in hotels were both expensive and luxurious, and since Langa's mother had so graciously booked him a room and a booth in that hotel, Langa decided to put it to use. 

It was nearing sunset when his friend burst into the restaurant and conversed with the waitress so that she could bring him to Langa's private corner. He seemed to have skateboarded here at a stunning pace, and Langa was happy to see the latter out of breath. 

"Sorry I'm late," Reki gasped, waving away a helpless waiter, "I had to fix my skateboard." 

"Don't worry about it." Langa said as his hands clenched by his side. 

This seemed to the scenario where he confessed his feelings. After all, he had been the one who called Reki out to meet him, intending to convey his emotions in a certain way the other may or may not appreciate. 

"I already ordered for you." Langa said, gesturing to Reki as the other frowned. "Don't worry, it won't taste horrible. At least, I hope not."

Reki laughed, and since they were in a booth, Langa laughed with him. 

"This is really nice!" Reki said, looking around with sparkles in his eyes, "I haven't been to a place like this before." 

"We're staying the night here, so you'd have better told your mother." Langa said as he gave a mysterious smile, causing Reki to flush. 

"I told her this morning. Thank god she allowed it." Reki breathed as his face flamed even more. 

That was the exact reason why Langa enjoyed teasing the red haired male, his reactions were cute and he could always make the sky-blue haired male do anything to get the same reaction. Langa was overjoyed at the thought of staying in the same room as Reki, it was exactly like a sleepover!

As Reki's food arrived, both of them hurried to dig in. Nearly inhaling the food that they were supposed to be eating. 

Barely processing the whole situation, the two were already heading up the stairs and into the room that Langa's mother had managed to get for them. 

"One bed?" Reki squeaked, as they entered, "Do we share?" 

"Um, hold up a sec, my mother may have gotten confused." Langa said as he took out his phone to call his mother. 

A few seconds passed. 

"Hey mom! About the hotel room,"

"Yes honey?" 

"There's only one bed."

"Weren't you planning to share it with your boyfriend?" 

"He's not my boyfriend." 

"Sorry dear, I don't think I can retract the booking..." His mother said into the speaker, "Maybe tonight you can just share?"

"Alright. Sorry for bothering." Langa sighed. 

"Talk tomorrow!" 

Langa hung up, turning to Reki and inhaling, "We'll have to share. I'm sorry." 

"Ah? It's fine!" Reki's ears were growing red, "As long as..."

"Yeah." Langa smiled, "I'll go take a shower then."

Their clothes were already in the closet, after all, Langa's mother had also planned this. Langa's clothes were somewhat big for Reki, but that wouldn't matter. It would just be the two of them, and of course, the queen sized bed that seemed much too small for the two boys to share. 

As soon as Langa finished his shower, Reki hopped in, already starting to strip before Langa was out of the bathroom. 

The sound of water led Langa to believe that he could get ready for bed, and doing so, he sat down on the plush comforter and spread himself on the bed. 

Surprisingly, a moment later, Reki came out wearing a towel and shivering. His bare chest was smooth and it looked so very soft to touch. Langa wanted to trail his hands down that stomach and run his hands over those muscled legs. These fantasies were immediately broken by a shuddered cough.

"H—ey, Langa? C—could I please borrow s—some clothes?" Reki's voice was small, his lips already turning somewhat blue from the cold. 

"Sure," Langa strode toward the closet and brought out a set of clothes for Reki, "Try this on, it may be a little big though." 

Not seeming to realise that Langa was right in front of him, Reki immediately started to change. Fitting the boxers under the towel and then taking the towel off as he shoved his head through the shirt. Then, the red haired male tugged the pants on and finally looked up. 

After an awkward pause, Langa decided to speak. 

Clearing his throat, "Okay... that was fast?"

"Yeah, sorry... I usually do that in my room." Reki laughed nervously. 

"We should just sleep." Langa closed his eyes and smiled, the image of Reki still in his mind. 

Momentarily, the two were in bed, each facing opposite directions. 

Langa could feel Reki shivering and eventually decided to move. 

Reki's POV

Heat cascaded over the shivering male as Langa's hands wrapped around his torso. Reki leaned into the heat and immediately shuddered at the probing hands that somehow travelled under his shirt. 

Reki turned around, "O—oi, Langa, what are you—eep—doing?" 

"Warming you up." Langa's innocent face was too much. 

Even as the sky-blue haired male's hands flit in and out of his shirt and pants, Reki could do nothing but moan and shudder at the touches. Then Langa flipped Reki over so that they were facing each other, and continued.

"L—lang—ah!" Reki shivered as Langa's hands travelled further, now running down his sides, "St—op! We're supposed to—ngh—be sleeping..." 

"Shh..." Langa whispered, laughing quietly at Reki's sounds, "You're getting warmer aren't you." 

"Ah! Mmm..." Reki moaned, the two were used to these kinds of touches. They had experimentally tried it a few times previously, touching each other to see where felt good and sensitive parts. 

Neither had confessed, but Reki had always felt drawn to the other, especially sensitive when it was Langa who touched him...

The red haired male arched into Langa when the other's hands travelled up and down his spine as he lifted a leg to push between Reki's thighs, increasing the pressure. Reki was moaning, his thighs clenching and unclenching. 

Then, without any warning, Langa kissed the other. 

Reki's eyes popped open, for this was something they hadn't tried before. Still, it was useless to try and resist the tongue that forced its way into the his mouth as he was rolled over onto his back. 

The feeling was foreign, and Reki liked it. It felt as if he were loved. 

Langa's thigh was still in between Reki's, hands still travelling, mouth still moving. The saliva that had begun to grow thicker started trailing out of their mouths as Reki's hands shook against Langa's shoulders, making everything impossible to hold in. 

Now that his pants were down, Reki was free to come when Langa touched him. Tears slowly falling as he released, Reki felt Langa start to pump. 

As the red haired boy was reduced to a moaning mess, Langa felt himself shudder and come. Soon, the two were both under the blankets and doing the unthinkable. 

Again that same feeling was there. The feeling of comfort, the strange happiness that filled his heart. 

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