|| Langa x Reki || Déjà vu ||

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Langa's POV

He had seen this before, it was like a memory, resurfacing from the back of his mind. It was a face that he recognised, the two must have met some time back. Langa was happy, his mind blank, and this red haired male smiling beside him. 

Something ran into him, no... more like someone.

"I'm so sorry!" The voice was more energetic than apologetic. When Langa turned around, his heart gave a thump; he already felt familiarized. Not just from class, but somewhere deep in his heart. 

"It's fine." Langa muttered as he stood up, brushing the dirt off his knees and standing up to look at this energised male smiling up at him. 

The red hair looked... he'd forgotten, and that smiling face reminded him of something he had seen in the past. Noticing that he had a skateboard, Langa smiled, he also skated. 

When the red haired male caught sight of his face, his eyes seemed to darken, as if regretting the decision to stop. The sudden shift between the smiling demeanour to that hostile aura almost made the sky-blue haired male jump back. 

"I've got to go." The words were so unexpected that Langa just stood there as the other hopped on to his skateboard and zoomed away, leaving the sky-blue haired male astonished and hurt. 

Langa hadn't recognised this person, but the other had seemed familiar. Yes, some of his memories had been lost in the accident, the car crash that happened a few months prior. During the weeks he had been in the hospital, his mother had been watching over him, telling him about a friend that came to visit him when he was asleep. The aqua eyed male had been happy to see some of his friend caring for him, but when he walked back into the high school he was supposedly enrolled at, he didn't know anyone. 

His classmates seemed to realise that, and soon left him alone. And the red head that he just ran into was one of the people who didn't even greet him. 

The doctor had said that he'd forgotten all the people he'd met in the past few months, but not the aspects of Japan. Langa could remember that he started skateboarding for some reason, and that he worked in a shop. 

The same red head that sat next to him in class ignored him as always, nodding to all others but him. 

Eventually, during the lunch break, Langa finally caught the boy alone. 

"Hey!" Smiling, at least trying, Langa walked up to where the other was sitting on a bench, "What's your name?" 

"Reki. Reki Kyan." The red haired teen said as he scooted away from Langa. Reki seemed to have the urge to leave as the two sat together. 

"Nice to meet you! I hope we can become friends!" 

Nothing was said in reply to his sentence. So they wound up eating in silence under the shade of the tree. 

"Look," Langa finally spoke up, "I don't get why you're so hostile towards me, but if I did something wrong, please tell me." 

"It's not you—it's just that..." Reki couldn't seem to say what was on his mind. 


"We were happy once, okay!? We were friends, best friends! But then you forgot about me!" Suddenly the scene was so emotional, and the only thing Langa could do was panic.

"Wait! I'm sorry, I—" 

"It's not your fault. The accident was because of some stupid drunk driver..." Reki stood up, grabbing his bag, "Forget what I said. I was told not to pressure you." 

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