|| Ainosuke x Tadashi || Love Is A Fine Wine ||

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Ainosuke's POV

Slight breezes blew across the rooftop as the azure haired took a sip from his wineglass. It was a beautiful night with stars glittering in the distance. The table in front of him rattled slightly at the wind as the candle lights flickered, barely holding out against the small gusts of wind that seemed so light to him. 

Wishing for company, Mr. Ainosuke had called for Tadashi, the greyish black haired male who happened to be his secretary. 

The stairs hadn't been polished enough to conceal the footsteps of the other, so Mr. Ainosuke could hear when Tadashi walked on to the terrace, his hair rustling with the wind. He was beautiful, and the only fantasies the diet member had were about this beautiful male who could stand equal to him in skating. 

"Ainosuke-sama, I came as you wished." Even his voice was beautiful, the richness flooding the dark blue haired male's head. 

"Sit, and please, think of yourself as an equal of mine." A slight smile traced both their lips, drawing a sigh from Tadashi's lips. 

"Is there something you wished to talk about?" 

"Only wishing for company," Ainosuke poured some wine into the glass that servants laid out for Tadashi, "Drink, and sit with me for a while." 

There they sat, quite quiet despite the distant clanging downstairs. The mansion was big, therefore the noises always sounded small, there were even times when they were not heard. 

Perfectly content with watching his secretary while he was gazing up at the stars, Mr. Ainosuke smiled, his face blooming into the first genuine smile in years. And when Tadashi turned his head to meet the azure haired male's eyes, a spark seemed to light. A slow flush spread across the grey black haired male's face, causing him to look away while Mr. Ainosuke chuckled in slight triumph. 

"Come now, do look at me." Slowly beginning to allow his grin to shine full on, Mr. Ainosuke slowly turned Tadashi's head to face him. 

Allowing a smirk to appear, Mr. Ainosuke thought about how adorable the other was.

"Cute." It was more of a whisper, but after hearing those unintentional words, Tadashi's face flamed. The moonlight seemed to reflect off him, haloing his face. The red eyed man once again chuckled before slowly leaning in to capture the other's lips. 

Perhaps both had been caught off guard by this action, but the squeak emitted from his secretary was more than enough to make him draw back and burst into laughter. 

"Come now, Tadashi, do not be too frightened!" Mr. Ainosuke was not drunk, he was perfectly sober as he leaned in to deliver another kiss. This one became a little more heated, but it still wasn't there yet. 

As Mr. Ainosuke leaned back to survey his work, he found Tadashi's hand covering his lips with a visible blush painted across his cheeks. 

"Ainosuke-sama—" But the greyish black haired male was cut off, the azure haired male using the opening to drag his tongue across the other's mouth and in, listening to his secretary moan into the kiss. 

The diet member was now standing, his strong arms braced on the edge of the latter's chair as his body bent over the other's. If someone were to watch them from an angle, perhaps they would be mistaken to think that the two were quietly conversing. 

Tadashi's eyes were wide now, his hands clutching Mr. Ainosuke's coat as he shuddered. 

"Ma—ster!" Tadashi's moan was uttered through his kiss swollen lips as both broke apart, panting for air. "Again please—master—"

And so it came again, that clash of lips that was now being responded to by the servant. The contact made Mr. Ainosuke's legs want to buckle, the male initiating the kiss smirked. 

Then he leaned away, taking a few moments to regain his composure. 

"Tadashi, would you want to come to my bedroom this evening?" 

"Of course, Ainosuke-sama." 


This POV is for all of us: let us dirty our minds to our hearts content

Random servant's POV:

"Do you guys hear that?" It was a female servant, whispering to her friend. They were off duty at that very moment, and could hear some sounds coming from upstairs. 

"I think that's Ainosuke-sama's bedroom." Sakura said quietly, replying to the previous comment. 

Shaking her head, Hoshiko smiled as her died blonde hair whipped around her face. "I think that's Mister Tadashi. They must be having fun." 

Just then, a particularly loud moan/scream sounded through the soundproof walls, causing both maids to blush heartily. 

"Must have been really loud, Ainosuke-sama's bedroom walls are luxuriously sound proof." Sakura muttered, still trying to contain her blushing. 

"I think we should go take a peek, I need ideas for my story." Hoshika smirked, pulling a groaning Sakura behind her as she headed up the stairs to stop in front of the diet member's room. "We'll only open a crack, and then I can jot down some ideas." 

Still with her smirk in place, being the maniac she was, Hoshika opened the door to reveal a mind blowing scene. Sakura's face was on fire as she quickly hid her eyes behind her hands and stepped away from the crack, it was too much for her. 

Shrugging at her companions reaction, Hoshika continued to look and occasionally write in the notebook she magicked out of nowhere. Oh, how erotic the scene was, and the blonde haired maid could guess that both were only thinking about each other. Seeing as they seemed to climax, she sighed inwardly as the two met again in a softer kiss. 

Then, dragging her partner in crime away from the scene, she said, "We missed all the good parts. But now at least, we know where to get ideas!"

"???" Sakura face paled, "You cannot be serious! We're doing this again!?" 

"Of course!" 

Laughing, the two chased each other down the hall, not caring much about the rules about running. 

Hey guys!!!!!!

Sorry for not updating in such a long whileeeee! SOOOOO sorry, just been chillin and readin, and forgot all about actually writing lololol 😂😂😂

ANYWAYS! This chapter is for you guys! Enjoy to your hearts content. Pls comment if you can on which maid's personality you have! Sakura's or Hoshiko's 😋👍

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