|| Langa x Reki || Guilt & Forgiveness ||

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Should I add a trigger warning here?? Hmm T-T

Langa's POV

The stars were shining, Langa looking up at them, somehow using this cliché moment to think. He and Reki were now in university, both in the same department: sports. To think they had come such a long way was nearly impossible, but somehow they managed.

It was their night off, at least, Langa's night off. He hadn't seen the other in a while, guessed he was sorting out some stuff.

It had been years now, since Langa confessed his feelings. Then, everything had gone back to normal. They were friends again, it was as if that night where the sky-blue haired male had spilled everything never existed. For his homophobic friend, completely ignoring the situation seemed to be the best option. Of course, sometimes when the subject came up, Reki would wind up storming out of the room.

Langa hadn't known what to do after the little screw-up on his part, so they both silently agreed never to speak of the event again. It went unnoticed by their other friends, fellow skaters who would always laugh and talk with them at times.

Reki still wasn't back yet; their shared dorm felt empty without the red haired male, and Langa didn't enjoy it. It was nearing midnight and the other still wasn't back, the blue haired male was growing worried.

Right as he was debating whether to go out to search, the door banged open and in toppled Reki. It was a hilarious mess, with the other's hair drooping around his laughing face, his shirt wet from some kind of liquid, it was obvious he was drunk.

You see, Langa was hoping that this situation wouldn't happen again, and yet here they were. Langa hauling the red haired male back into their dorm as he thanked the random student who had helped Reki back, and starting to remove his clothes. Somehow, still drunk, Reki grabbed at Langa, catching the aqua eyed male off guard. This resulted in both falling over and onto the sofa while each struggled with the other's clothes.

"Oi! Reki!" The sky-blue haired male yelped as Reki tried to yank his shirt off.

"What...? You take my shirt off *hic*, I take yours." Reki hiccupped, laughing as Langa's face flushed.

Soon after, the two were both in their boxers with Reki laughing hysterically at Langa's face. Then, using all his strength to drag the other into the shower without clothes, Langa couldn't do anything but take that cold shower with the red haired male.

When both got out, everything was flopped around. Of course, they were both boys so they shouldn't care too much about taking showers together. In this case, it was different.

Remembered how Langa confessed? Well, that wasn't over.

Both were quiet when they left the shower, shivering under the light towels they were wearing around their hips. When they entered their room, things seemed to happen in slow motion.

With Reki's lips curving into something of a sly smile, he pulled Langa on top of him onto the one of the single beds they had in the bedroom. Langa was surprised as he shivered at the contact, blanching backward, he tried to pull off without any success.

The latter was strong, Langa realised, and it was no use resisting. Not even as Reki launched himself upward to capture the lips of the sky-blue haired male, pulling them closer together. And it didn't matter, not at all, since Langa was now psyched. The familiar heat building in his groin at the contact.

Legs wrapped around him as some how he realised the lights weren't on. The sound of whispering and moaning, Reki doing most of it. Langa was now taking control, carefully pleasuring the latter and drawing sounds from the other's throat.

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