|| Miya x Takashi || New || Pt 1 ||

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Hey all, i am aware (me thinks im smart) that there's a new shippppp! IT DONT MATTER HOW LONG THIS HAS BEEN AROUND  FOR IM DOIN IT THEY'RE BOUND TO BE CUTEE~

Miya's POV (4 years later)

He and Takashi were still in the same school, same class, though they hadn't spoke in... years, perhaps. Miya was glad that the other was still skating, it made him feel better seeing that he hadn't ruined Takashi's love for skating. 

He thought he had. 

They hadn't spoken in a long time, so he was extremely surprised to hear that voice calling out to him while he was skating back from an S competition. AN S COMPETITION?! How though, how had he been found? For years he had gone to S, sneaking home wasn't a problem. And now he's seen by an old friend?

Not good, had the other truly realised it was Miya, or was this just a fluke, he felt tears starting to well—

"Hey! Miya, wait up, damnit!" Takashi's voice was as clear as ever, and when Miya turned back, stopping his skateboard as he looked, the brown haired teen collided into him, knocking the two over. 

"Ah! Sorry, just thought I'd—" Takashi stopped as he saw Miya's face, "Hey, hey, why're you crying? Did I say something wrong? Miya?"

"Wh—what are—*hic*—you doing here? W—why?" Chocking, Miya couldn't stop the tears running down his cheeks. He was seventeen for goodness sake, why was he crying so easily. 

"I just thought I should greet you cause we hadn't talked in a while," Takashi was getting off of Miya and brushing himself up, then he pulled the cat like teen up before him, their skateboards lay forgotten on the ground, "Are you okay?"

"Does it look like I am?" Miya whimpered, trying to lean down to grab his skateboard. 

"Hey, would you look at me?" Takashi gazed into Miya's tear stained face, "Tell me what's wrong, please." 

"W—why? You—you aren't even my friend anymore—" The tears were fresh again, "I tried—tried my best, but—I messed up didn't I—I'm sorry—have been—"

"Stop, it was my problem, I was jealous." Takashi gripped the dark haired teen's hands, "let's talk about this at my place, okay? My parents are out, yours too, I'm guessing." 

Miya said nothing, his thoughts were a mess, well, his head was a messy place in general. He said nothing as Takashi grabbed both their skateboards, and, dragging Miya by the arm, lead him on to somewhere down the block toward the house that belonged to him and his family. 

They entered the house, Takashi allowing the two skateboards to clatter to the floor in front of the door step, then he lead Miya inside without a hint of hesitation. 

"Why do you look so horrified," Takashi chuckled, his eyes crinkling in the corners, "You've been here so many times." 

"It's the first time in years." Miya offered, his tears had already dried, leaving him with a sense of pure embarrassment. 

"I guess so." Takashi kicked off his shoes and entered, heading up the stairs toward his room, motioning for Miya to follow. 

Quickly placing his shoes next to the mat, the black haired teen hurried up after the other, barely noticing the changes the place had. 

The bedroom was small, but enough to accommodate a normal high school teenager who wouldn't complain too much. Suddenly registering the ceiling was much closer to his head than it used to be, Miya realised, truly, how long it had been. The lamp cast a shadow around the room, it was also the only source of light there was. 

"Did you miss me?" Takashi joked, chuckling as Miya's cheeks flamed, "Cause I missed you. Though back in middle school, you could be a tiny bit arrogant." 

"S—Shut up..." Miya's face flushed with colour, "I said sorry already." 

"I know, I know, I'm only teasing you." Takashi's grin was the same as ever, eyes glistening in the reflecting lamp. 

Walking over, Miya sat down beside Takashi, feeling awkward as he felt the closeness between them. 

"But you know," Leaning his head against Miya's shoulder, Takashi was whispering now, "I really did miss you..."

When Miya looked over at the other, he saw how close the other's face was just before a pair of lips met his. The slight scent of mint and forest overwhelmed him, he could feel the slight wetness of the brown haired teen's lips, the breath flowing through the nose and mouth. 

A hand came up to hold his face, angling their heads for more access. The kiss was gentle, soft. He was pushed onto the bed moments after he felt the bed shift under him. Takashi's lips were still on his, Miya felt the warmth of the other's body on top of him, the thigh that pushed itself between his. 

Shuddering suddenly, he felt the kiss deepen, grow fiercer. Takashi chuckled as the black haired male whimpered slightly, his thighs clenching. A tongue swept in, exploring his mouth, leaving him feeling exposed. Miya wondered when it had come to this, when friendship broke, and years later came something so overwhelming. 

Something so intimate that it made his heart pound unnaturally, made his cheeks flame, made his blood flow to specific parts of his body. 

Takashi drew back, leaving Miya panting, his eyes slightly parted as a trail of saliva flowed past his open lips. He wanted more, he craved the feeling, he was desperate for it to come again. 

"Fuck," Takashi groaned, "Miya—"


They were kissing again, desperation clashing with passion, the pressure of the thigh between his made him arch his back. Both their eyes were closed, Takashi's hands exploring the skin underneath Miya's shirt, making the cat like male moan and shiver into the kiss. 

It felt so good, Miya felt like he wanted to be closer, no, he needed to be. Desire became so unbearable, it was like fire burning him up from the inside. It made his blood pound, the pleasure running up his legs, spiking and making his stomach flip. 

The pressure between his legs increased, Takashi must have also been as turned on as him. Again Miya's back arched, all control somewhere buried, all he could think about was Takashi, and how he was running his hands through that brown hair that was so very, very soft. 

Miya was turned on, perhaps not for the first time in his life, but it was certainly his first time doing this. Yet it felt so familiar to him, as it probably did to Takashi, they couldn't stop, it was like a drug someone couldn't let go of...

They should probably talk—Miya whimpered again as the other started grinding, moaning into their mouths when a hand trailed under his pants, brushing against his groin, where all the blood was flowing toward—

Fuck talking, they could do it after they finished. 

My lovely readers! I have absolutely no idea how much y'all like this ship! Is it new? Whelp, not sure, just saw it somewhere and was like OMFG, IT'S ANOTHER SK8 SHIP, I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT IT! so here i am—lol, anywayssssss, how you enjoy. pls dm me for requests along with anything rlly. im here if ya need me, tho it may take some time :), thx so much for staying, 

to you all from an author that loves y'all very much, 


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