|| Ainosuke x Tadashi || Bedroom ||

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Tadashi's POV

His master rarely ever called for him, so this time, he was astounded to be summoned to Mr. Ainosuke's bedroom.

As the door closed soundlessly behind him, he could see the other waiting for him, patient as always.

Every since the finale with Snow, Mr. Ainosuke, or Ad*m, had been a better person altogether. No longer using Tadashi as a scapegoat for his deeds, not treating his servant as a dog... it felt surreal for all this to be true.

Yet there was still a fact that Mr. Ainosuke was probably one of the people containing the most lust and love in the world.

"My dear dog," Mr. Ainosuke always started off like this, it was getting more and more often that he used this name, "Tadashi."

"Ainosuke-sama." As Tadashi prepared to get down to his knee, however, his master came and swooped him up in his strong arms and kept him standing.

"There is no need to bow down before me." Mr. Ainosuke laughed, showing his somewhat pointed canines. "You promised we could go back."

Ah, yes... the days where Mr. Ainosuke's smile would send the black haired male's heart into a flurry of unrhythmic beats. The smile with those slightly blushing cheeks and wide open eyes that could melt the heart of any living being.

When Tadashi had first introduced skating to the azure haired male, the two had laughed and played. Somewhere along the way of improvement, Tadashi found himself being distanced, replaced by Mr. Ainosuke's two friends who both loved skating.

Of course, that was to be expected. Who would actually want a pathetic servant like him to be a skating partner? Then those two were left behind as Tadashi's master became more and more independent, gaining the name 'Ad*m' at the competitions he joined.

Then, Mr. Ainosuke had inherited, becoming one of the youngest Diet Member his servant had ever known. 


A forehead pressed against his, checking for the temperature. Tadashi jumped, literally knocking their heads together and started apologising.

"I am terribly sorry. I did not mean to. Of course, Ainosuke-sama, I do not expect to be forgiven, I will do whatever you wish—"

"Tadashi!" Mr. Ainosuke's hands lifted the latter's face, turning it upwards to look at the alluring red eyes, "Do not say such things. I already told you that I wished that things between us could go back to how they were. When we were younger, I mean."

Tadashi had swore to himself, that even as Ainosuke took his anger out on his servant using violence, that he would make sure not to let that explosive anger result in the pain of any other human.

"Look at me! Stop avoiding my eyes!" Tadashi winced as though he thought he was going to be struck across the face. Instead, his master's hand trailed up and touched the beauty mark situated in the corner of his right eye.

"Ainosuke-sama, I—" Tadashi did not know what to say. It was as if the same boy from all those years ago had reappeared before him, the same hair, no longer gelled back, which fell over his face. The same eyes that would glitter at the thought of skating.

The light touch of lips on his silenced him, as he was not expecting this. Tadashi stood, frozen and white, gazing into the face of the man that had once been so kind and cruel.

"Wh—what was that for, Ainosuke-sa—"

His sentence was cut off as more urgent, desperate lips fastened on to his, managing to break his monotonous behaviour. 

As soon as his façade fell, the azure haired male pushed him onto the bed, making him squirm. Legs tangled together as a tongue begged for an entrance which he couldn't deny. His hands were pinned to the bed, his waist being pressed down...

Mr. Ainosuke didn't seem like he was going to be stopping anytime soon. In fact, it seemed like this awkward position may last them the rest of the night, seeing how neither bothered letting go.

Hips ground into his as one of the other's hands took off, running down his suddenly exposed stomach and muscle, playing with him. Teasing, skimming across his skin.

Allowing himself one small sound, and immediately regretting it, Tadashi's eyes closed into the pleasure. The reason for ruefulness was the fact that starting that moment, the teasing grew worse, continuing to draw even louder sounds from his throat.

Without much warning, Mr. Ainosuke detached his lips and shucked off his shirt, glancing at Tadashi to remind him of doing the same.

And that was how they both wound up stark naked and on the bed, shivering at the feel of each other.

"I thought—ah—that—it was—mm—Snow!" Tadashi was shuddering and shaking, his voice barely managing to be audible between all those distractions.

"Snow?" Mr. Ainosuke did not stop, "Mmm, well, he is not my real Eve."

Before Tadashi could ask anymore, pain shot through his shoulder as he felt teeth, and then softness. Something hard was pushing against his bare skin beneath torso and both groaned as they felt each other.

Whimpering, the secretary knew what was happening. It wasn't that he didn't like it, it was that he was somewhat afraid of being caught with the light bruise on his neck. Well, it didn't matter now, the pleasure was increasing at an alarming rate, and soon, Tadashi had released.

Seeing that his secretary came, Mr. Ainosuke couldn't help but groan as he was relieved.

They stopped for a moment, trying to catch their breath, before glancing at each other. Tadashi felt at home to be taken into his master's arms as he buried his head in the other's shoulder, the comfort washed over him...

The covers were now over both of them, Tadashi's face half obscured by it, but he was happy. More delighted than he had been in his whole life.

Then he dared ask, "Then who is it? Your Eve."

The azure haired male seemed to pause for a moment before his husky voice answered, "You."

A few moments later, Tadashi was flipped over once more as they continued the night.

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