|| Cherry x Joe || Arcane || Pt 1 ||

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Requested by Jane_TheWild (A little bit vague, but this is for you. Sorry if this was intended to be anonymous🤔). 

Joe's POV

Day 3

The skaters did not stampede by, but they seemed to, leaving dust arching up to meet the audience's arms covering their faces. This race had far more participants than any other Joe had seen, and to be fair, he had seen quite a few. 

Cherry sat silently next to him, watching as the remaining skaters sped past, not saying a word. 

Their lives had continued, simply going on after some embarrassing events between the two. When Reki and Langa had come out, saying that they had been dating for about a month, Shadow immediately had to pay Miya. Literally. Joe hadn't been surprised and congratulated them, and Cherry just said nothing, uninterested. 

Enemies? They had been friends once, more like something between competitors and friends... Joe didn't know, how should he be able to tell what Cherry was thinking every moment of his life? 

Then the show happened. 

All of them, Reki, Langa, Miya, Shadow, Joe, Cherry, Adam, and Snake (otherwise known as Tadashi), were invited to a reality TV show named Sk8 the infinity. They didn't understand what it was about at first, but then it had become clear. All sorts of interview were held about love interests, skating, other sports, friendships...

So, back to the topic at hand. At the moment, they were at S, (one that was authorised) and the microphones were enhanced to capture the skaters skill and techniques. The commentators were supposed to be talking, the eight of them, but only six were. The dark green haired male was content with watching the game, and the pink haired adult only answered the questions which were asked. 

Adam seemed to be going back to his old self from High School, and Tadashi was smiling slightly as he spoke into the microphone about something. 

Eventually, the competition ended with cheers echoing and shouts directed at the small platform. The director of the show laughed and waved at the crowd, now shouting into the mic. The time passed, and Joe didn't remember how they got back to the hotel where they were going to be staying in. 

They had changed to a hotel each day for the previous two days, and this time, it just happened to be a love hotel. The cameras were still filming. 

"Well done everyone! You will be able to rest until tomorrow, and then, be prepared for something exciting!" Aiya Sato smiled as she said this, gesturing to them to go back up to their rooms. "Let me explain the rules first! Shadow and Miya, you too will share a room, and tomorrow, you will need to head to the main office. The room you have will have two separate doors leading into each of the sections, and the lodging will contain two bathrooms and two beds.

"Reki and Langa, since you two are dating, you will share a room, cuteeee! Tadashi and Adam, I have no idea what is going on between you two, but you will have to be roomies for the time being.

"Cherry and Joe, I get the feeling you will hate be for this, but you will be sharing a room. Please try not to break anything. That is all! Let's grab dinner somewhere and then we will head back!" 

Adam and Tadashi were sharing a room, so the two headed up shortly after they ate. Langa and Reki left almost immediately after they were dismissed, telling Sato that they weren't hungry, probably yearning for some time alone. Shadow and Miya headed up separately each grumbling as they shared a room. 

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