|| Cherry x Joe || Foolish ||

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Requested by OriginalUsername13

Joe's POV

"Kaoru, would you please stop staring?" Kojiro snickered as he watched the other's face flush. 

"I am not." Kaoru tossed his pink hair and the dark green haired teen started laughing. 

"Yeah right, you are so jealous." The dark green haired boy continued, "She's staring at him like he's the only person in the world and he's smilingggggg at her." 

"Shut up!" Kaoru's face flamed, "You don't know anything... you—you Gorilla!" 

Kojiro was taken aback, when did the nickname "Gorilla" come into existence?

"Well, Pinkie, your eyes practically have hearts in them." 

"I—you—" Stuttering, Kaoru turned away, he seemed speechless, and Kojiro didn't like that. He had always enjoyed teasing his friend about the crush the other had on Ainosuke, it was funny. Strangely though, every time he thought of it, it brought a pang of something that felt remarkably like guilt crashing onto his stomach. 

Then they were laughing and chasing each other down the hallway of their high school building, causing remaining students to leap out of the way. 

Kojiro hopped into a vacant classroom, but he heard the door bang open soon after he got to the other side of the room. Kaoru was panting and his killer glare was directed at the green haired male who started chuckling. It was already after school, but they only stayed to wait for Ainosuke who had been asked to meet someone during after school hours. 

The only classes going on were the after school clubs, and as it was a Friday, both were free from all the things they'd signed up for. Their Fridays would forever be free. 

"Ko—Ji—Ro—Get back here!!!" Kaoru yelled as he chased the other in circles around the classroom. 

Kojiro was hoping teachers wouldn't burst in yelling at them for being too loud. Of course, the scenario was unlikely because the teachers in the staffroom were quite far from this room, and because the day had ended. Unlike some schools, the teachers wouldn't stay too late, there would be a few to supervise clubs, but not many. 

"Aww, Kaoru, you really want me?" what was he saying, "we should go find Ainosuke, maybe—"

Kaoru stopped, so both left the chase discontinued. The two were panting, but otherwise silent. What was happening?

"Would you stop—" Kaoru caught his breath, "going on and on about Ainosuke?" 

"Hmm, nope!" Kojiro chuckled as he saw the other's chest heave with a sigh, "Why do you ask? Are you embarrassed?" 

"I'm telling you to stop." His eyes were serious enough that Kojiro stopped laughing, "Seriously." 

He had nothing to say, there was no way he could refuse the request. He didn't know why. Kojiro's body was stiff, unmoving, and as the pink haired teenager moved slowly toward him, his feet wouldn't move away. He was just standing there. What the hell was wrong with him? What was he—

"Kojiro?" The golden eyed boy was there, staring into his eyes, "Why aren't you moving?" 

The maroon eyed teen opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak, he just stood there gaping, frozen as if he were trapped in a block of ice.

"Hey, this isn't funny." Kaoru shook the other, hard, "Stop gaping. I only told you to stop talking about—"

It happened abruptly, Kojiro seemed to be released from the spell he was under. He felt himself moving, his body not controlled by his mind. He felt his lips pressing against the other's, then he was sprinting out of the room, leaving a shocked Kaoru behind. 

His mind was now in control, and as he nearly died from embarrassment, he ran out of the school. Sprinting to the bicycle rack where he kept his skateboard... 

But before he could speed away, leaving the troubles behind him, he heard a shout. It came from Kaoru, who was sprinting toward him, his school jacket rippling in the wind beside him. He leapt at Kojiro, knocking the green haired teen's back into a poll and nearly crushing him. 

When they readjusted themselves, Kojiro could feel the other against his chest, panting, their breathes mingling slightly. 

"Why—" Kaoru's face was flushed, "what happened back there." 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." Kojiro looked away, "I don't know what came over me... I wasn't myself." 

"If it wasn't you, who else would it be?" 

"I—" There wasn't a response for that...except...

When their lips touched, Kojiro was surprised that he wasn't immediately thrown back into the poll and bashed over the head. He felt the other freeze, then slowly relax, it felt nice...

Leaning back against the rack, Kojiro continued, wrapping an arm around the pink haired male's waist and angling his head to gain more access. He felt the other shiver. 

Author-chan's POV (Im making up a name lol)

"Well, is that what you wanted?" Ainosuke was smiling as they watched the two from the window, looking over the area and watching as Kojiro and Kaoru continued. 

"It's why I called you, isn't it?" Aiya smiled, "They look good together." 

"I agree..." Ainosuke seemed relatively happy. 

Aiya knew about Kojiro's little crush on the pink haired teen, and she intended to make it reality. Something that the both of them could enjoy, but first—

"How is it going with you and Tadashi?" Aiya saw the azure haired teen blush, "Oh, my, did something happen?"

"That—no—I mean—what do you mean?" 

Aiya laughed, she had never seen her friend stutter like this, it was amusing. They must have done something juicy, but of course, her spies in the Ainosuke mansion already sent her the drafts to there story. The only thing left for her to do was write something about what had just come to pass between Kaoru and Kojiro. 

She smiled, "Guess we'll see what happens." 

Hey guyssss!

To OriginalUsername13

Thanks for requesting this, I am over the moon. I am sorry this took a while, but I did my best lol. Probably could've finished a little earlier tho. 

To all readers—

I am going to be blunt: here I am going to promote my newest story, namely "For all lost memories", tho i have absolutely no idea how to do that. please check out my other stories, and tell me what you think! pls pls pls do this for me? 

Thanks for staying

Love you all~

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