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2 weeks later...
billies POV

"you okay bil?" finneas asks me and i look up from my notebook.

"im good." i smile at him.

"why hasn't sahar been around?" he sits on the end of my bed.

"we're on a break or some shit." i tell him.

"for?" he asks.

"im pretty sure she thought i was cheating on her. she said she didn't feel secure in our relationship. it's valid though so im not worrying about it." i say and scribble something down in my notebook.

"when's the break over?" i ask him.

i shake my head. "i have no clue."

"okay, well i just stopped over to get something from mom. ill see you later?" he asks.


"okay, love you."

"love you too, fin."

me and sahar haven't had any sort of contact with each other in like two weeks. has it been hard? i mean yeah but i sort of understand why she wanted this break, we most definitely needed it.

the only thing ive been doing is writing songs and some other boring shit. the first week of our break all i did was cry like a little bitch, it was embarrassing if im gonna be honest but i thought she hated me. i mean i still kind of do but it's whatever.

i know that i cheated on her once and that'll probably make our whole relationship a little weird and i can't go back from that. so im not gonna argue with her or tell her no if she's wants to take a break because im the cause of the trust issues. i truly adore sahar and i don't want anyone else.

sahar's POV

i look at a video of me and billie and a small smile makes its way onto my face.

"we know you miss billie, text her." maggie says.

"yeah, you've been looking at pictures and videos of you guys for the past hour." jessie tells me.

"i think we need at least one more week." i tell them.

"why?" jessie asks.

"i don't know, three weeks just sounds better then two." i say honestly.

"makes sense."

"so is natasha still texting billie?" sophie asks me.

"i hope not, jayden and her are working with bil on her merch project though." i say.

"oh for real?" sophie turns towards jayden.

"yeah, i don't know how it happened." jayden says.

"i hate that im equally as close to you as i am to natasha, she did some dumb shit." jayden says and sophie nods in agreement.

"it's fine i promise, im not mad at anyone." i smile at them.

"is madison still staying with you?" sophie asks.

"yeah, i don't know how to tell her to leave. i don't wanna be rude to her." i say.

"i can do it." maggie says and i shake my head no.

"ill figure it out soon." i tell them.

"mmm, okay."

"i love your voice, i could listen to you talk all day." sophie says to me.

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