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liked by sahar.luna and 6,466,527 others
sahar.luna: SHES ON THE MOON!
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username28: i wanna sex you
username21: 🔥🔥🔥
username95: hot
username05: im in love
username64: wow

im laying in my bed, with my head under the covers and still thinking on if i should answer madison or not. that girl has been my best friend since who knows when i just don't want all the drama that comes with her.

also, me, my mom, and my sister are leaving for canada tomorrow morning which kinda sucks because my moms gonna criticize me and treat nessia like a goddess the whole entire time that  we're there, but im used to it. nessia doesn't even really like her because of the way she treats me.

that's another reason why i don't wanna bring billie around my mom, it just gets to the point where it's embarrassing. that's why i wish my dad lived closer, he wouldn't say dumb shit or belittle me in front of billie.

"sahar!" i hear my mom call from my living room.

i roll my eyes, speaking of the devil.

i don't answer, i just bury my head farther into my comforter.

she knocks on the door but i still don't answer. after a few seconds of knocking, she walks in.

i pretend that im asleep but that doesn't seem to stop her.

she pats my butt. "wake up sahar!"

i sigh loudly. "hi mom."

"im sleeping here tonight." she smiles widely.

i fake smile. "sounds good."

"you're girlfriend is very pretty." she says picking up a picture frame from my bedside table.

"thank you." i say. in the picture im holding billies face while kissing her cheek, she has a big smile that makes her dimples show.

i remember that day so vividly. it was our third date and the whole day me and billie were just giddy. laughing non stop, she's was being her usual bold self while i was shy the entire time. this old lady had came to us and at first i thought she was going to say something homophobic but she told us that we were both very beautiful girls and that she thinks we're a cute couple. we didn't tell her that we weren't, we jus thanked her. she offered to take out picture so we let her and that's how that photo was made.

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