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"billies gonna be here in like a hour." i tell madison as i fold my laundry.

"do you want me to leave?" she asks.

i shake my head no. "no it's fine, i would try to avoid her though."

"she really hates me huh?" madison sighs loudly.

"id say dislike, but do you blame her? you were kinda rude." i tell her.

"i know. again, im sorry for that." she's sits on the floor across from me.

"no worries, people change." i say and she smiles at me.

"so, you excited to see her?" she asks me.

"billie? yeah." i smile while looking down. "have you and banana talked yet?" i ask.

"no, but i really don't wanna talk to her right now. i need time."

i nod my head. "understandable, do you think you're gonna get back with her?"

"i don't know, i feel stupid either way." she has a sad expression on her face.

"well if you ever need anything let me know, okay?"

"yeah, thanks sahar." she smiles.

"no problem."

i put all of laundry away and once im done i grab my brush and brush through my damp hair.

"ill be in the living room." madison tells me and i nod.

once she leaves i lay back on my bed and put a random movie from netflix on my macbook.

it's been about a hour and billie said that she's about to be here. i left the door unlocked so she can just come in.

when billie walks in i pause my show and look up with a smile on my face. "hey bil."

she sits her bag on my chair and walks towards the bed. "hi."

billie lays on top of me and i hug her. "i missed you." she says.

"i missed you too." i tell her.

"madisons on your couch." billie states.

"i know, did she say anything to you?" i ask her.

"she didn't even look at me, she knows better." she looks up at me and i smile.

"you look pretty." i tell her.

"you too." she pecks my lips. "did you just get out of the shower?"


"should've waited for me." she shakes her head.

"next time." i say quietly. "your hair is literally wet though."

"i would've got in with you again."

"weirdo." i smile. "so, do you think the break was a good idea?"

"it had its pros and cons." she states.

"go ahead." i motion for her to explain more.

"well it was hard because i thought you were gonna break up with me and i was crying and shit like that but it was good because i realized how we need to work on our relationship." she looks up at me. "we need to communicate more."

i look away. "i know i know, im sorry."

"it's fine, it falls on me too."

i nod my head. "but i wanna tell you something." she says.

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