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"i really told you i loved you?" billie asks in shock.

"yea, but it's okay." i tell her.

"no it's not, im embarrassed." she says as she rubs her head from the headache she has.

"billie, it's alright. seriously, don't even worry about it."

she looks up at me. "was it weird for you?"

"no because i know you didn't mean it." i laugh.

she hesitates for a moment. "i did though."

i sit there not knowing what to say, and not knowing if it's to early to say it back. "well then," i stop for a moment. "i love you too billie." i say.

her face immediately softens and she smiles.

"you also told me that you wanted kids with me, you want to get married, have a big house and two dogs, they have to be pit bulls and they have to be grey and black." i say and she opens her mouth. "very specific if you ask me." i laugh.

"oh my god, im never doing that shit again." she says.

"it's okay, it was cute." i tell her.

"i don't remember half of the shit that happened last night, that's crazy." she rubs her head again.

i laugh.

billie looks up at me then smiles widely, after that she goes in for a hug and holds me tightly. "thanks for taking care of me."

"of course baby." i say returning the hug.

a few days later....

"both of our birthdays are coming up." nessia says.

"i know, what do you wanna do?" i ask her.

"maybe go out? i don't really know right now. what about you?" she questions.

"no clue, nothing probably." i say.

"sush you're gonna be eighteen! we have to do something." i say.

"i mean i guess, but it's just another day." i tell her.

"we're doing something, i don't care." she says and i just nod.

billie 💖




just chilling with nessia

tell her i said hi

will do
baby i need to tell you something
don't get mad at me i was gonna tell you
the other night but you were obviously


madison asked me to have
  sex with her
     i obviously said no but i just
thought that you should know

wtf when
why are you saying that like it's a normal thing?

im not i just don't really
know what to say and like last week

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