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sahar's POV

"you're being soo clingy." billie says.

"i just love you so much." i say quietly. "ill stop."

"no i like it, i love you too." she tells me.

i smile widely and grab her cheeks gently. "you're the cutest person ever."

"thank you." she smiles. "i don't want you to leave."

"me neither but you'll be okay, we have two more days together."

"that's not long enough." she frowns and lays back onto the bed.

i straddle her lap and look into her eyes. "you are so pretty."

she smiles and looks to the side, her cheeks turning red. "all you."

"no like im literally so serious, you're so beautiful it's crazy." i stare at her.

she puts her hands on my bare stomach. "stop complimenting me."


"you're so beautiful." she tells me.

i smile. "let's say our favorite thing about each other."

"you go first." she tells me.

i nod. "okay favorite things instead, id say physically your eyes, your skin-"

she cuts me off. "my skin? im so pale, i look like paper."

i shake my head. "i think it's pretty, let me finish."

she nods her head and i continue. "i love your body, and i like your hands, i think your nails are nice." i scan her face. "i like your lips too."

she smiles as she stares up at me. "my nails?"

"i like how you keep them clean and they have a nice shape." she puts her hand in mine.

"my turn?" she questions. "no, i only did physically."

a smile tugs at her lips. "i like how your protective over me and how you always make sure im okay, i like how when you sleep you always smile once or twice, i like that when you look at me it makes me feel like it's just us, i like how energetic you are and how your always smiling." i stop myself. "oh and i forgot i love your dimples, so so cute. i could keep going but we'd be here for a few hours." i finish.

"you're adorable," she tells me. "my turn?" i nod.

"okay my favorite things about you are your freckles, your lips, your smile, the color and shape of your eyes." she plays with the string of my sweatpants. "i like how your voice is a little raspy, and the sound of your laugh. i like how cute your nose is, i like how you only like watching cartoons, i just think that's cute. i love your body too, you're perfect."

i smile widely. "you are, im so glad i have you. im lucky." i say.

"im lucky too." she flips us over an hovers over me, i giggle and she laughs before kissing my neck.


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