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a few days later...

"no go hang out with zoe baby." i say.

"i wanna see you though." billie says pouting.

i look at her through my phone. "yea i wanna see you too, but you haven't seen her in a little." i say.

"fine." she says. "im gonna go, i love you."

"i love you too." i say and she hangs up.


let's go somewhere


like paris
or ive always wanted to go to the netherlands

oh i thought you meant like out to
eat or something-
would mom even let us go that far?

im old enough
& ur semi old enough
she'll be okay with it

okay when?

in like two days

wait are you joking?

start packing now

uhhh okay
how long are we going for?

a week


i throw my phone down and get a suitcase out of my closet. i go around my room and i put all of the clothes i need into the suitcase.

i put all of shoes in, close it up, and put it in the corner of my room. that took me about two hours.

my sweet girl 🤍

me and fin finally finished the song

you did?
omg im so proud of you!!!!
can i hear it?

nope 😌
you gotta wait just like everyone else

aw really?


you're rude
im so so proud of you though 🤍
                  can i tell you something?


so me and nessia are going to
the netherlands for a week

that's ur sister right?
ur leaving?

only for a bit though baby

that's ok
i have to do some press anyway
just made you my girlfriend and now we both have to leave
shits dumb asl

i know :(
when we both get back we can
spend as much time together as we want

ok :)

2 days later...
4:52 am.

                           my sweet girl 🤍

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