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liked by jessiebergg and 1,739,264 others
sahar.luna: when i cared
billieeilish: lol
username26: hand crafted by the gods
username10: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
username36: ur so pretty
username04: i just wanna kiss you
username47: holy

it's been another week and billie still has yet to answer my messages. but she commented on my post? im about to start a argument at this point because even though that's not my intention, i just don't understand what's wrong with her. it's like we're not even dating.

billie 💖

what's your problem?
im tired of whatever you're doing
we're supposed to be dating or
did that like slip your mind or something?
like omg can we talk and be mature instead
of doing whatever this is?

talk about?

you're joking? about you not
answering me
i did nothing i never do and you always do
this, if you don't wanna be with
me then let's get this over with

when did i say i didn't wanna be with you?
am i not allowed to distance myself for a little

for a little? it's been 2 almost 3

sorry i forgot to text back
you can't be mad at that im busy

i can be and i am you can post
and like others peoples stuff all of that
but can't answer your girlfriend?
how does that make any sense to you

omg im sorry

why are you acting as if this
is my fault? i texted and called
MULTIPLE times and you haven't answered
please just tell me what it's about

who's that kyle guy?


jus answer

he's my FRIEND, im aloud to have
FRIENDS, just bc you HEAR or SEE
something that's on the internet
doesn't mean it's TRUE

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