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one week later
sahar's POV

        sahar.luna via instagram story!

luna via instagram story!

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[sahar.luna] billieeilish replied to your story..

thank you babygirl
thinking of you

                                                of course my love
                                                      you're so cute

can i pick you up tomorrow?



                                 okay see you then baby <3

see you pretty girl

see you pretty girl

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liked by sahar.luna and 661,837 others
billieeilish: if you could only feel what i feel for her
username91: this is so cute
username04: im crying rn 🥺🥺
username19: cuties
sahar.luna: can't wait to meet her!!!
billieeilish: she can't wait to meet you baby
username05: you guys know their dating right?
username72: no her and sahar are
username39: baby??? BABY?!?!

me and billie haven't really been talking much since the little incident we had. we're not on bad terms or anything we just decided to take a little break from each other which was very needed.

i haven't been doing anything lately. halloweens soon and there's multiple party's i could be going to but i don't think i will just because i haven't really been in the mood.

i can also tell billies been a bit sad lately. she told me about her depression and it seems as if it's getting worse.

every time i tried to reach out to her about it, she just shuts me out so i'm glad she wants to hang out with me tomorrow.

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