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Mija we're going to Canada very soon
Me you and your sister

                                                  i don't really want too

You have no choice

                                                                   alright then

No attitude
Should i make a instagram and name it
sahars mom😍

                                                                   LMAO no

Don't swear at me

                                                                  i didn't???

You told me that you are
laughing your ass off

                                                                 okay sorry

You're forgiven
I'm going to make a instagram
Sahar and nessias mom😍

                                        why the heart eyes emoji

I love you girls

                                                             thanks mom
                                                             love you too

You don't sound excited

                                                you should stick to

You're probably right
I have lots of followers on there

                 yesss mom see you're already famous
                                                                     on there

Not famous but getting there


We will be leaving next week
And will come back the following week
It's already snowing there so pack
warm things!!!

                                                              okay i will
                               why are we going anyways?

Because I want to spend time with you two
We don't do that much


What are you doing right now

im with my friends

Which friends

jessie, maggie, and angelina

I only know jessie
But I would love to meet your friends
And your girlfriend


Okay have a good rest of your day
Be safe sahar
Love you😘

you too, love you

                                                   you too, love you

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